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HMI Documentation


Update HMI's list of registered applications.

SDL may send this request after connecting to a device, and an application successfully registers itself with SDL. This request may also be sent by SDL if the user requests for an update via OnFindApplications.

  1. Update the list of registered applications.
  2. Use the appID provided with this request when sending definite requests or notifications back to a mobile application (e.g. ActivateApp, OnCommand).
  3. Provide the user with the possibility to choose among a list of registered applications.

SDL adds the VR synonyms of a registered application to the HMI via OnAppRegistered.


Cloud apps will appear in the app list before they are connected and registered. The cloudConnectionStatus parameter in Common.HMIApplication can be used to track the connection status of the cloud app. The isCloudApp parameter can be used by the HMI to differentiate or group cloud apps away from mobile connected SDL applications.

The connection to the cloud app will be created by Core after the user activates the app via SDL.ActivateApp.



Name Type Mandatory Additional
applications Common.HMIApplication true array: true
minsize: 0
maxsize: 100



This RPC has no additional parameter requirements

Sequence Diagrams

JSON Message Examples

Example Request

  "id" : 75,
  "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
  "method" : "BasicCommunication.UpdateAppList",
  "params" :
    "applications" :
        "appName" : "Beautiful Sound",
        "ngnMediaScreenAppName " : "BeauSo",
        "deviceName" : "Jerry's Phone",
        "appID" : 65544,
        "hmiDisplayLanguageDesired" : "DE-DE",
        "isMediaApplication" : true
        "appName" : "Go Travel",
        "icon" : "tmp/SDL/app/Go_Travel/icon.png",
        "deviceName" : "XT910",
        "appID" : 65545,
        "hmiDisplayLanguageDesired" : "EN-US",
        "isMediaApplication" : false,
        "appType" : "INFORMATION"
        "appName" : "Cloud App",
        "icon" : "tmp/SDL/app/cloud/icon.png",
        "appID" : 65543,
        "cloudConnectionStatus": "NOT_CONNECTED",
        "isCloudApplication": true,
        "deviceInfo": {
          "id": "a3cadf8a",
          "isSDLAllowed": true,
          "name": "ws://",
          "transportType": "CLOUD_WEBSOCKET"

Example Response

  "id" : 75,
  "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
  "result" :
    "code" : 0,
    "method" : "BasicCommunication.UpdateAppList"

Example Error

  "id" : 75,
  "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
  "error" :
    "code" : 22,
    "message" : "During the API call an unknown error has occurred.",
    "data" :
      "method" : "BasicCommunication.UpdateAppList"
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