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iOS Guides
Understanding Permissions

Understanding Permissions

While creating your SDL app, remember that just because your app is connected to a head unit it does not mean that the app has permission to send the RPCs you want. If your app does not have the required permissions, requests will be rejected. There are three important things to remember in regards to permissions:

  1. You may not be able to send a RPC when the SDL app is closed, in the background, or obscured by an alert. Each RPC has a set of hmiLevels during which it can be sent.
  2. For some RPCs, like those that access vehicle data or make a phone call, you may need special permissions from the OEM to use. This permission is granted when you submit your app to the OEM for approval. Each OEM decides which RPCs it will restrict access to, so it is up you to check if you are allowed to use the RPC with the head unit.
  3. Some head units may not support all RPCs.

HMI Levels

When your app is connected to the head unit you will receive notifications when the SDL app's HMI status changes. Your app can be in one of four different hmiLevels:

HMI Level What does this mean?
NONE The user has not yet opened your app, or the app has been killed.
BACKGROUND The user has opened your app, but is currently in another part of the head unit.
LIMITED This level only applies to media and navigation apps (i.e. apps with an appType of MEDIA or NAVIGATION). The user has opened your app, but is currently in another part of the head unit. The app can receive button presses from the play, seek, tune, and preset buttons.
FULL Your app is currently in focus on the screen.

Be careful with sending user interface related RPCs in the NONE and BACKGROUND levels; some head units may reject RPCs sent in those states. We recommended that you wait until your app's hmiLevel enters FULL to set up your app's UI.

To get more detailed information about the state of your SDL app check the current system context. The system context will let you know if a menu is open, a VR session is in progress, an alert is showing, or if the main screen is unobstructed. You can find more information about the system context below.

Monitoring the HMI Level

The easiest way to monitor the hmiLevel of your SDL app is through a required delegate callback of SDLManagerDelegate. The function hmiLevel:didChangeToLevel: is called every time your app's hmiLevel changes.

- (void)hmiLevel:(SDLHMILevel)oldLevel didChangeToLevel:(SDLHMILevel)newLevel {
    if (![newLevel isEqualToEnum:SDLHMILevelNone] && (self.firstHMILevel == SDLHMILevelNone)) {
        // This is our first time in a non-`NONE` state
        self.firstHMILevel = newLevel;
        <#Send static menu RPCs#>

    if ([newLevel isEqualToEnum:SDLHMILevelFull]) {
        <#Send user interface RPCs#>
    } else if ([newLevel isEqualToEnum:SDLHMILevelLimited]) {
    } else if ([newLevel isEqualToEnum:SDLHMILevelBackground]) {
    } else if ([newLevel isEqualToEnum:SDLHMILevelNone]) {
fileprivate var firstHMILevel: SDLHMILevel = .none
func hmiLevel(_ oldLevel: SDLHMILevel, didChangeToLevel newLevel: SDLHMILevel) {
    if newLevel != .none && firstHMILevel == .none {
        // This is our first time in a non-`NONE` state
        firstHMILevel = newLevel
        <#Send static menu RPCs#>

    switch newLevel {
    case .full:
        <#Send user interface RPCs#>
    case .limited: break
    case .background: break
    case .none: break
    default: break

Permission Manager

The PermissionManager allows developers to easily query whether specific RPCs are allowed or not in the current state of the app. It also allows a listener to be added for RPCs or their parameters so that if there are changes in their permissions, the app will be notified.

Checking Current Permissions of a Single RPC

BOOL isAllowed = [self.sdlManager.permissionManager isRPCNameAllowed:<#RPC name#>];
let isAllowed = sdlManager.permissionManager.isRPCNameAllowed(<#RPC name#>)

Checking Current Permissions of a Group of RPCs

You can also retrieve the status of a group of RPCs. First, you can retrieve the permission status of the group of RPCs as a whole: whether or not those RPCs are all allowed, all disallowed, or some are allowed and some are disallowed. This will allow you to know, for example, if a feature you need is allowed based on the status of all the RPCs needed for the feature.

SDLPermissionElement *showElement = [[SDLPermissionElement alloc] initWithRPCName:SDLRPCFunctionNameShow parameterPermissions:nil];
SDLPermissionElement *getVehicleDataElement = [[SDLPermissionElement alloc] initWithRPCName:SDLRPCFunctionNameGetVehicleData parameterPermissions:@[@"rpm"]];
SDLPermissionGroupStatus groupStatus = [self.sdlManager.permissionManager groupStatusOfRPCPermissions:@[showElement, getVehicleDataElement]];

switch (groupStatus) {
    case SDLPermissionGroupStatusAllowed:
        // All of the RPCs are allowed
    case SDLPermissionGroupStatusMixed:
        // Some are allowed, others are disallowed
    case SDLPermissionGroupStatusDisallowed:
        // All of the RPCs are disallowed
    case SDLPermissionGroupStatusUnknown:
        // We don't yet know the status of the RPCs
let showElement = SDLPermissionElement(rpcName: .show, parameterPermissions: nil)
let getVehicleDataElement = SDLPermissionElement(rpcName: .getVehicleData, parameterPermissions: ["rpm"])
let groupStatus = sdlManager.permissionManager.groupStatus(ofRPCPermissions:[showElement, getVehicleDataElement])
switch groupStatus {
case .allowed:
    // All of the RPCs are allowed
case .mixed:
    // Some are allowed, others are disallowed
case .disallowed:
    // All of the RPCs are disallowed
case .unknown:
    // We don't yet know the status of the RPCs

The previous snippet will give a quick generic status for all permissions together. However, if you want to get a more detailed result about the status of every permission or parameter in the group, you can use the statusesOfRPCPermissions: method.

SDLPermissionElement *showElement = [[SDLPermissionElement alloc] initWithRPCName:SDLRPCFunctionNameShow parameterPermissions:nil];
SDLPermissionElement *getVehicleDataElement = [[SDLPermissionElement alloc] initWithRPCName:SDLRPCFunctionNameGetVehicleData parameterPermissions:@[@"rpm"]];
NSDictionary<SDLRPCFunctionName, SDLRPCPermissionStatus *> *status = [self.sdlManager.permissionManager statusesOfRPCPermissions:@[showElement, getVehicleDataElement]];

if (status[SDLRPCFunctionNameGetVehicleData].isRPCAllowed) {
    // GetVehicleData RPC is allowed

if (status[SDLRPCFunctionNameGetVehicleData].rpcParameters[@"rpm"].boolValue) {
    // RPM parameter in GetVehicleDataRPC is allowed
let showElement = SDLPermissionElement(rpcName: .show, parameterPermissions: nil)
let getVehicleDataElement = SDLPermissionElement(rpcName: .getVehicleData, parameterPermissions: ["rpm"])
let status = sdlManager.permissionManager.statuses(ofRPCPermissions:[showElement, getVehicleDataElement])

if status[.getVehicleData]?.isRPCAllowed == true {
    // GetVehicleData RPC is allowed

if status[.getVehicleData]?.rpcParameters?["rpm"]?.boolValue == true {
    // RPM parameter in GetVehicleDataRPC is allowed

Observing Permissions

If desired, you can subscribe to a group of permissions. The subscription's handler will be called when the permissions for the group changes. If you want to be notified when the permission status of any of RPCs in the group change, set the groupType to SDLPermissionGroupTypeAny. If you only want to be notified when all of the RPCs in the group are allowed, or go from allowed to some/all not allowed, set the groupType to SDLPermissionGroupTypeAllAllowed.

SDLPermissionElement *showElement = [[SDLPermissionElement alloc] initWithRPCName:SDLRPCFunctionNameShow parameterPermissions:nil];
SDLPermissionElement *getVehicleDataElement = [[SDLPermissionElement alloc] initWithRPCName:SDLRPCFunctionNameGetVehicleData parameterPermissions:@[@"rpm"]];
SDLPermissionObserverIdentifier subscriptionId = [self.sdlManager.permissionManager subscribeToRPCPermissions:@[showElement, getVehicleDataElement] groupType:<#SDLPermissionGroupType#> withHandler:^(NSDictionary<SDLRPCFunctionName, SDLRPCPermissionStatus *> *_Nonnull updatedPermissionStatuses, SDLPermissionGroupStatus updatedGroupStatus) {
    if (updatedPermissionStatuses[SDLRPCFunctionNameGetVehicleData].isRPCAllowed) {
        // GetVehicleData RPC is allowed

    if (updatedPermissionStatuses[SDLRPCFunctionNameGetVehicleData].rpcParameters[@"rpm"].boolValue) {
        // RPM parameter in GetVehicleDataRPC is allowed
let showElement = SDLPermissionElement(rpcName: .show, parameterPermissions: nil)
let getVehicleDataElement = SDLPermissionElement(rpcName: .getVehicleData, parameterPermissions: ["rpm", "airbagStatus"])
let subscriptionId = sdlManager.permissionManager.subscribe(toRPCPermissions: [showElement, getVehicleDataElement], groupType: .allAllowed) { (updatedPermissionStatuses, updatedGroupStatus) in
    if updatedPermissionStatuses[.getVehicleData]?.isRPCAllowed == true {
        // GetVehicleData RPC is allowed

    if updatedPermissionStatuses[.getVehicleData]?.rpcParameters?["rpm"]?.boolValue == true {
        // RPM parameter in GetVehicleDataRPC is allowed

Stopping Observation of Permissions

When you set up the subscription, you will get a unique id back. Use this id to unsubscribe to the permissions at a later date.

[self.sdlManager.permissionManager removeObserverForIdentifier:observerId];
sdlManager.permissionManager.removeObserver(forIdentifier: observerId)

Additional HMI State Information

If you want more detail about the current state of your SDL app you can monitor the audio playback state as well as get notifications when something blocks the main screen of your app.

Audio Streaming State

The Audio Streaming State informs your app whether or not the driver will be able to hear your app's audio. It will be either AUDIBLE, NOT_AUDIBLE, or ATTENUATED.

You will get these notifications when an alert pops up, when you start recording the in-car audio, when voice recognition is active, when another app takes audio control, when a navigation app is giving directions, etc.

Audio Streaming State What does this mean?
AUDIBLE Any audio you are playing will be audible to the user
ATTENUATED Some kind of audio mixing is occurring between what you are playing, if anything, and some system level audio or navigation application audio.
NOT_AUDIBLE Your streaming audio is not audible. This could occur during a VRSESSION System Context.
- (void)audioStreamingState:(nullable SDLAudioStreamingState)oldState didChangeToState:(SDLAudioStreamingState)newState {
func audioStreamingState(_ oldState: SDLAudioStreamingState?, didChangeToState newState: SDLAudioStreamingState) {

System Context

The System Context informs your app if there is potentially a blocking HMI component while your app is still visible. An example of this would be if your application is open and you display an alert. Your app will receive a system context of ALERT while it is presented on the screen, followed by MAIN when it is dismissed.

System Context State What does this mean?
MAIN No user interaction is in progress that could be blocking your app's visibility.
VRSESSION Voice recognition is currently in progress.
MENU A menu interaction is currently in-progress.
HMI_OBSCURED The app's display HMI is being blocked by either a system or other app's overlay (another app's alert, for instance).
ALERT An alert that you have sent is currently visible.
- (void)systemContext:(nullable SDLSystemContext)oldContext didChangeToContext:(SDLSystemContext)newContext {
func systemContext(_ oldContext: SDLSystemContext?, didChangeToContext newContext: SDLSystemContext) {
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