The delegate to be notified of processed touches such as pinches, pans, and taps
A single tap was received
- (void)touchManager:(nonnull SDLTouchManager *)manager
didReceiveSingleTapForView:(UIView *_Nullable)view
optional func touchManager(_ manager: SDLTouchManager, didReceiveSingleTapFor view: UIView?, at point: CGPoint)
The SDLTouchManager issuing the callback
The view under the touch if it could be determined
The point at which the touch occurred in the head unit’s coordinate system
A double tap was received
- (void)touchManager:(nonnull SDLTouchManager *)manager
didReceiveDoubleTapForView:(UIView *_Nullable)view
optional func touchManager(_ manager: SDLTouchManager, didReceiveDoubleTapFor view: UIView?, at point: CGPoint)
The SDLTouchManager issuing the callback
The view under the touch if it could be determined
Location of the double tap in the head unit’s coordinate system. This is the average of the first and second tap.
Panning started
- (void)touchManager:(nonnull SDLTouchManager *)manager
panningDidStartInView:(UIView *_Nullable)view
optional func touchManager(_ manager: SDLTouchManager, panningDidStartIn view: UIView?, at point: CGPoint)
The SDLTouchManager issuing the callback
The view under where the panning started if it could be determined
Location of the panning start point in the head unit’s coordinate system.
Panning moved between points
- (void)touchManager:(nonnull SDLTouchManager *)manager
optional func touchManager(_ manager: SDLTouchManager, didReceivePanningFrom fromPoint: CGPoint, to toPoint: CGPoint)
The SDLTouchManager issuing the callback
Location of the panning’s previous point in the head unit’s coordinate system
Location of the panning’s new point in the head unit’s coordinate system
Panning ended
- (void)touchManager:(nonnull SDLTouchManager *)manager
panningDidEndInView:(UIView *_Nullable)view
optional func touchManager(_ manager: SDLTouchManager, panningDidEndIn view: UIView?, at point: CGPoint)
The SDLTouchManager issuing the callback
The view under where the panning ended if it could be determined
Location of the panning’s end point in the head unit’s coordinate system
Panning canceled
- (void)touchManager:(nonnull SDLTouchManager *)manager
optional func touchManager(_ manager: SDLTouchManager, panningCanceledAt point: CGPoint)
The SDLTouchManager issuing the callback
Location of the panning’s end point in the head unit’s coordinate system
Pinch did start
- (void)touchManager:(nonnull SDLTouchManager *)manager
pinchDidStartInView:(UIView *_Nullable)view
optional func touchManager(_ manager: SDLTouchManager, pinchDidStartIn view: UIView?, atCenter point: CGPoint)
The SDLTouchManager issuing the callback
The view under the center of the pinch start
Center point of the pinch in the head unit’s coordinate system
@abstract Pinch did move.
- (void)touchManager:(nonnull SDLTouchManager *)manager
optional func touchManager(_ manager: SDLTouchManager, didReceivePinchAtCenter point: CGPoint, withScale scale: CGFloat)
Current initialized SDLTouchManager issuing the callback.
Center point of the pinch in the head unit’s coordinate system.
Scale relative to the distance between touch points.
Pinch moved and changed scale
- (void)touchManager:(nonnull SDLTouchManager *)manager
didReceivePinchInView:(UIView *_Nullable)view
optional func touchManager(_ manager: SDLTouchManager, didReceivePinchIn view: UIView?, atCenter point: CGPoint, withScale scale: CGFloat)
The SDLTouchManager issuing the callback
The view under the center of the pinch
Center point of the pinch in the head unit’s coordinate system
Scale relative to the distance between touch points
Pinch did end
- (void)touchManager:(nonnull SDLTouchManager *)manager
pinchDidEndInView:(UIView *_Nullable)view
optional func touchManager(_ manager: SDLTouchManager, pinchDidEndIn view: UIView?, atCenter point: CGPoint)
The SDLTouchManager issuing the callback
The view under the center of the pinch
Center point of the pinch in the head unit’s coordinate system
Pinch canceled
- (void)touchManager:(nonnull SDLTouchManager *)manager
optional func touchManager(_ manager: SDLTouchManager, pinchCanceledAtCenter point: CGPoint)
The SDLTouchManager issuing the callback
Center point of the pinch in the head unit’s coordinate system