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iOS Documentation

SDLStreamingMediaManagerDataSource Protocol Reference

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A data source for the streaming manager’s preferred resolutions and preferred formats.


Implement to return a different preferred order of attempted format usage than the head unit’s preferred order. In nearly all cases, it’s best to simply return the head unit’s preferred order, or not implement this method (which does the same thing).


If you return a format that is not supported by the StreamingMediaManager, that format will be skipped.


If the head unit does not support the GetSystemCapabilities RPC, this method will not be called and H264 RAW will be used.


- (nonnull NSArray<SDLVideoStreamingFormat *> *)
        (nonnull NSArray<SDLVideoStreamingFormat *> *)headUnitPreferredOrder;


func preferredVideoFormatOrder(fromHeadUnitPreferredOrder headUnitPreferredOrder: [SDLVideoStreamingFormat]) -> [SDLVideoStreamingFormat]



The head unit’s preferred order of format usage. The first item is the one that will be used unless this proxy does not support it, then the next item, etc.

Return Value

Your preferred order of format usage.


Implement to return a different resolution to use for video streaming than the head unit’s requested resolution. If you return a resolution that the head unit does not like, the manager will fail to start up. In nearly all cases, it’s best to simply return the head unit’s preferred order, or not implement this method (which does the same thing), and adapt your UI to the head unit’s preferred resolution instead.


- (nonnull NSArray<SDLImageResolution *> *)
        (nonnull SDLImageResolution *)headUnitPreferredResolution;


func resolution(fromHeadUnitPreferredResolution headUnitPreferredResolution: SDLImageResolution) -> [SDLImageResolution]



The resolution the head unit requested to use.

Return Value

Your preferred order of image resolution usage. This system will not attempt more than 3 resolutions. It is strongly recommended that at least one resolution is the head unit’s preferred resolution.

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