The manager’s delegate
Called upon a disconnection from the remote system.
- (void)managerDidDisconnect;
func managerDidDisconnect()
Called when the HMI level state of this application changes on the remote system. This is equivalent to the application’s state changes in iOS such as foreground, background, or closed.
- (void)hmiLevel:(nonnull SDLHMILevel)oldLevel
didChangeToLevel:(nonnull SDLHMILevel)newLevel;
func hmiLevel(_ oldLevel: SDLHMILevel, didChangeToLevel newLevel: SDLHMILevel)
The previous level which has now been left.
The current level.
Called when the audio streaming state of this application changes on the remote system. This refers to when streaming audio is audible to the user.
- (void)audioStreamingState:(nullable SDLAudioStreamingState)oldState
didChangeToState:(nonnull SDLAudioStreamingState)newState;
optional func audioStreamingState(_ oldState: SDLAudioStreamingState?, didChangeToState newState: SDLAudioStreamingState)
The previous state which has now been left.
The current state.
Called when the video streaming state of this application changes. This refers to streaming video for navigation purposes. If you are “autostreaming” via CarWindow, you should not do anything with this method. Everything should be handled for you automatically.
Only supported on RPC v5.0+ connections.
- (void)videoStreamingState:(nullable SDLVideoStreamingState)oldState
didChangetoState:(nonnull SDLVideoStreamingState)newState;
optional func videoStreamingState(_ oldState: SDLVideoStreamingState?, didChangetoState newState: SDLVideoStreamingState)
The previous state
The current state
Called when the system context of this application changes on the remote system. This refers to whether or not a user-initiated interaction is in progress, and if so, what it is.
- (void)systemContext:(nullable SDLSystemContext)oldContext
didChangeToContext:(nonnull SDLSystemContext)newContext;
optional func systemContext(_ oldContext: SDLSystemContext?, didChangeToContext newContext: SDLSystemContext)
The previous context which has now been left.
The current context.
Called when the lifecycle manager detected a language mismatch. In case of a language mismatch the manager should change the apps registration by updating the lifecycle configuration to the specified language. If the app can support the specified language it should return an Object of SDLLifecycleConfigurationUpdate, otherwise it should return nil to indicate that the language is not supported.
- (nullable SDLLifecycleConfigurationUpdate *)
managerShouldUpdateLifecycleToLanguage:(nonnull SDLLanguage)language
hmiLanguage:(nonnull SDLLanguage)hmiLanguage;
optional func managerShouldUpdateLifecycle(toLanguage language: SDLLanguage, hmiLanguage: SDLLanguage) -> SDLLifecycleConfigurationUpdate?
The VR+TTS language of the connected head unit the manager is trying to update the configuration.
The HMI display language of the connected head unit the manager is trying to update the configuration.
An object of SDLLifecycleConfigurationUpdate if the head unit language is supported, otherwise nil to indicate that the language is not supported.
A way to determine if this SDL session should continue to be active while connected to the determined system information of the vehicle.
- (BOOL)didReceiveSystemInfo:(nonnull SDLSystemInfo *)systemInfo;
optional func didReceiveSystemInfo(_ systemInfo: SDLSystemInfo) -> Bool
The system information of the vehicle that this session is currently active on.
True if this session should continue, false if the session should end