Errors associated with the SDLManager class.
An RPC request failed to send.
SDLManagerErrorRPCRequestFailed = -1
case rpcRequestFailed = -1
Some action was attempted that requires a connection to the remote head unit.
SDLManagerErrorNotConnected = -2
case notConnected = -2
Some action was attempted before the ready state was reached.
SDLManagerErrorNotReady = -3
case notReady = -3
The remote system encountered an unknown error.
SDLManagerErrorUnknownRemoteError = -4
case unknownRemoteError = -4
One or more of the sub-managers failed to start.
SDLManagerErrorManagersFailedToStart = -5
case managersFailedToStart = -5
Registering with the remote system failed.
SDLManagerErrorRegistrationFailed = -6
case registrationFailed = -6
Registering with the remote system was successful, but had a warning.
SDLManagerErrorRegistrationSuccessWithWarning = -7
case registrationSuccessWithWarning = -7
Request operations were cancelled before they could be sent
SDLManagerErrorCancelled = -8
case cancelled = -8