This data is related to what a weather service would provide.
Convenience init for required parameters.
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithLocation:(nonnull SDLLocationDetails *)location;
init(location: SDLLocationDetails)
The location
A SDLWeatherServiceData object
Convenience init for all parameters.
- (nonnull instancetype)
initWithLocation:(nonnull SDLLocationDetails *)location
currentForecast:(nullable SDLWeatherData *)currentForecast
minuteForecast:(nullable NSArray<SDLWeatherData *> *)minuteForecast
hourlyForecast:(nullable NSArray<SDLWeatherData *> *)hourlyForecast
multidayForecast:(nullable NSArray<SDLWeatherData *> *)multidayForecast
alerts:(nullable NSArray<SDLWeatherAlert *> *)alerts;
convenience init(location: SDLLocationDetails, currentForecast: SDLWeatherData?, minuteForecast: [SDLWeatherData]?, hourlyForecast: [SDLWeatherData]?, multidayForecast: [SDLWeatherData]?, alerts: [SDLWeatherAlert]?)
The location
The current forecast
A minute-by-minute array of forecasts
An hour-by-hour array of forecasts
A day-by-day array of forecasts
An array of weather alerts
A SDLWeatherServiceData object
The location.
SDLLocationDetails, Required
@property (nonatomic, strong) SDLLocationDetails *_Nonnull location;
var location: SDLLocationDetails { get set }
The current forecast.
SDLWeatherData, Optional
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) SDLWeatherData *currentForecast;
var currentForecast: SDLWeatherData? { get set }
A minute-by-minute array of forecasts.
Array of SDLWeatherData, Optional, minsize=“15” maxsize=“60”
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSArray<SDLWeatherData *> *minuteForecast;
var minuteForecast: [SDLWeatherData]? { get set }
An hour-by-hour array of forecasts.
Array of SDLWeatherData, Optional, minsize=“1” maxsize=“96”
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSArray<SDLWeatherData *> *hourlyForecast;
var hourlyForecast: [SDLWeatherData]? { get set }
A day-by-day array of forecasts.
Array of SDLWeatherData, Optional, minsize=“1” maxsize=“30”
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSArray<SDLWeatherData *> *multidayForecast;
var multidayForecast: [SDLWeatherData]? { get set }
An array of weather alerts. This array should be ordered with the first object being the current day.
Array of SDLWeatherData, Optional, minsize=“1” maxsize=“10”
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSArray<SDLWeatherAlert *> *alerts;
var alerts: [SDLWeatherAlert]? { get set }