A range of supported video streaming sizes from minimum to maximum
The minimum supported normalized aspect ratio, min value is 1.0, defaults to 1.0
@property (nonatomic) float minimumAspectRatio;
var minimumAspectRatio: Float { get set }
The maximum supported normalized aspect ratio, min value is 1.0, defaults to 9999.0
@property (nonatomic) float maximumAspectRatio;
var maximumAspectRatio: Float { get set }
The minimum supported diagonal screen size in inches, defaults to 0.0 (matches any size)
@property (nonatomic) float minimumDiagonal;
var minimumDiagonal: Float { get set }
The minimum resolution to support, it overrides .minimumAspectRatio
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) SDLImageResolution *minimumResolution;
var minimumResolution: SDLImageResolution? { get set }
The maximum resolution to support, it overrides .maximumAspectRatio
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) SDLImageResolution *maximumResolution;
var maximumResolution: SDLImageResolution? { get set }
Creates a disabled range without any min/max aspect ratio or min diagonal information.
- (nonnull instancetype)init;
Create a video streaming range based on a minimum and maximum resolution
- (nonnull instancetype)
initWithMinimumResolution:(nullable SDLImageResolution *)minResolution
maximumResolution:(nullable SDLImageResolution *)maxResolution;
init(minimumResolution minResolution: SDLImageResolution?, maximumResolution maxResolution: SDLImageResolution?)
The minimum supported height / width resolution
The maximum supported height / width resolution
Create a video streaming range with all supported options
- (nonnull instancetype)
initWithMinimumResolution:(nullable SDLImageResolution *)minResolution
maximumResolution:(nullable SDLImageResolution *)maxResolution
init(minimumResolution minResolution: SDLImageResolution?, maximumResolution maxResolution: SDLImageResolution?, minimumAspectRatio: Float, maximumAspectRatio: Float, minimumDiagonal: Float)
The minimum supported height / width resolution
The maximum supported height / width resolution
The minimum supported normalized aspect ratio, min value is 1.0, defaults to 1.0
The maximum supported normalized aspect ratio, min value is 1.0, defaults to 9999.0
The minimum supported diagonal screen size in inches, defaults to 0 (0 matches any size)
A convenience method to create a disabled range with the min and max resolutions equal to zero
+ (nonnull instancetype)disabled;
class func disabled() -> Self
Check if the argument is within the [.minimumResolution, .maximumResolution] range
- (BOOL)isImageResolutionInRange:(nonnull SDLImageResolution *)imageResolution;
func isImageResolution(inRange imageResolution: SDLImageResolution) -> Bool
Check if the argument is within the [.minimumAspectRatio, .maximumAspectRatio] range
- (BOOL)isAspectRatioInRange:(float)aspectRatio;
func isAspectRatio(inRange aspectRatio: Float) -> Bool