Specifies a major / minor / patch version number for semantic versioning purposes and comparisons
Major version (e.g. X.0.0)
@property (nonatomic) NSUInteger major;
var major: UInt { get set }
Minor version (e.g. 0.X.0)
@property (nonatomic) NSUInteger minor;
var minor: UInt { get set }
Patch version (e.g. 0.0.X)
@property (nonatomic) NSUInteger patch;
var patch: UInt { get set }
A String format of the current SDLVersion
@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) NSString *_Nonnull stringVersion;
var stringVersion: String { get }
Convenience init
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithMajor:(NSUInteger)major
init(major: UInt, minor: UInt, patch: UInt)
Major version
Minor version
Patch version
An SDLVersion object
Convenience init
+ (nonnull instancetype)versionWithMajor:(NSUInteger)major
Major version
Minor version
Patch version
An SDLVersion object
Convenience init
- (nullable instancetype)initWithString:(nonnull NSString *)versionString;
init?(string versionString: String)
String representation of the version
An SDLVersion object
Convenience init
+ (nullable instancetype)versionWithString:(nonnull NSString *)versionString;
String representation of the version
An SDLVersion object
Convenience init to set version using SDLMsgVersion
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithSDLMsgVersion:
(nonnull SDLMsgVersion *)sdlMsgVersion;
init(sdlMsgVersion: SDLMsgVersion)
Specifies the version number of the SmartDeviceLink protocol that is supported by the mobile application.
An SDLVersion object
Convenience init to set version using SDLMsgVersion
+ (nonnull instancetype)versionWithSDLMsgVersion:
(nonnull SDLMsgVersion *)sdlMsgVersion;
Specifies the version number of the SmartDeviceLink protocol that is supported by the mobile application.
SDLVersion object
Compare two SDLVersions
- (NSComparisonResult)compare:(nonnull SDLVersion *)otherVersion;
func compare(_ otherVersion: SDLVersion) -> ComparisonResult
Compare is less than
- (BOOL)isLessThanVersion:(nonnull SDLVersion *)otherVersion;
func isLessThanVersion(_ otherVersion: SDLVersion) -> Bool
SDLVersion Object
Compare is equal to
- (BOOL)isEqualToVersion:(nonnull SDLVersion *)otherVersion;
func isEqual(to otherVersion: SDLVersion) -> Bool
SDLVersion Object
Compare is greater than
- (BOOL)isGreaterThanVersion:(nonnull SDLVersion *)otherVersion;
func isGreaterThanVersion(_ otherVersion: SDLVersion) -> Bool
SDLVersion Object
Compare is greater than or equal to
- (BOOL)isGreaterThanOrEqualToVersion:(nonnull SDLVersion *)otherVersion;
func isGreaterThanOrEqual(to otherVersion: SDLVersion) -> Bool
SDLVersion Object
Compare is less than or equal to
- (BOOL)isLessThanOrEqualToVersion:(nonnull SDLVersion *)otherVersion;
func isLessThanOrEqual(to otherVersion: SDLVersion) -> Bool
SDLVersion Object