Individual published data request result
Convenience init for creating a SDLVehicleDataResult with a dataType
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithDataType:(nonnull SDLVehicleDataType)dataType
(nonnull SDLVehicleDataResultCode)resultCode;
init(dataType: SDLVehicleDataType, resultCode: SDLVehicleDataResultCode)
The Vehicle DataType data
The VehicleData ResultCode data
Convenience init for creating a SDLVehicleDataResult with a customDataType
- (nonnull instancetype)
initWithCustomOEMDataType:(nonnull NSString *)customDataType
resultCode:(nonnull SDLVehicleDataResultCode)resultCode;
init(customOEMDataType customDataType: String, resultCode: SDLVehicleDataResultCode)
The custom dataType data
The VehicleData ResultCode data
Defined published data element type
@property (nonatomic, strong) SDLVehicleDataType _Nonnull dataType;
var dataType: SDLVehicleDataType { get set }
OEM custom defined published data element type
Added SmartDeviceLink 6.0
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSString *customOEMDataType;
var customOEMDataType: String? { get set }
Published data result code
@property (nonatomic, strong) SDLVehicleDataResultCode _Nonnull resultCode;
var resultCode: SDLVehicleDataResultCode { get set }