Basic information about the connected module system
The connected module’s vehicle type: it’s make, model, trim, and model year
@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) SDLVehicleType *vehicleType;
var vehicleType: SDLVehicleType? { get }
The connected module’s software version
@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) NSString *systemSoftwareVersion;
var systemSoftwareVersion: String? { get }
The connected module’s hardware version
@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) NSString *systemHardwareVersion;
var systemHardwareVersion: String? { get }
Initialize a system info object with individual pieces
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithMake:(nullable NSString *)make
model:(nullable NSString *)model
trim:(nullable NSString *)trim
modelYear:(nullable NSString *)modelYear
softwareVersion:(nullable NSString *)softwareVersion
hardwareVersion:(nullable NSString *)hardwareVersion;
init(make: String?, model: String?, trim: String?, modelYear: String?, softwareVersion: String?, hardwareVersion: String?)
The vehicle’s make
The vehicle’s model
The vehicle’s trim
The vehicle’s model year
The vehicle’s software version
The vehicle’s hardware version
Initialize a system info object with the vehicle type and versions
- (nonnull instancetype)
initWithVehicleType:(nullable SDLVehicleType *)vehicleType
softwareVersion:(nullable NSString *)softwareVersion
hardwareVersion:(nullable NSString *)hardwareVersion;
init(vehicleType: SDLVehicleType?, softwareVersion: String?, hardwareVersion: String?)
The vehicle information
The vehicle’s software version
The vehicle’s hardware version