The systemCapabilityType indicates which type of data should be changed and identifies which data object exists in this struct. For example, if the SystemCapability Type is NAVIGATION then a “navigationCapability” should exist.
First implemented in SDL Core v4.4
Convenience init for an App Service Capability
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithAppServicesCapabilities:
(nonnull SDLAppServicesCapabilities *)capability;
init(appServicesCapabilities capability: SDLAppServicesCapabilities)
Describes the capabilities of app services including what service types are supported and the current state of services
A SDLSystemCapability object
Convenience init for a Navigation Capability
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithNavigationCapability:
(nonnull SDLNavigationCapability *)capability;
init(navigationCapability capability: SDLNavigationCapability)
Describes the extended capabilities of the onboard navigation system
A SDLSystemCapability object
Convenience init for a Phone Capability
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithPhoneCapability:
(nonnull SDLPhoneCapability *)capability;
init(phoneCapability capability: SDLPhoneCapability)
Describes the extended capabilities of the module’s phone feature
A SDLSystemCapability object
Convenience init for a Video Streaming Capability
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithVideoStreamingCapability:
(nonnull SDLVideoStreamingCapability *)capability;
init(videoStreamingCapability capability: SDLVideoStreamingCapability)
Describes the capabilities of the module’s video streaming feature
A SDLSystemCapability object
Convenience init for a Remote Control Capability
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithRemoteControlCapability:
(nonnull SDLRemoteControlCapabilities *)capability;
init(remoteControlCapability capability: SDLRemoteControlCapabilities)
Describes the extended capabilities of the module’s remote control feature
A SDLSystemCapability object
Convenience init for DisplayCapability list
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithDisplayCapabilities:
(nonnull NSArray<SDLDisplayCapability *> *)capabilities;
init(displayCapabilities capabilities: [SDLDisplayCapability])
Contains capabilities related to a physical screen and any associated windows
A SDLSystemCapability object
Convenience init for a Remote Control Capability
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithSeatLocationCapability:
(nonnull SDLSeatLocationCapability *)capability;
init(seatLocationCapability capability: SDLSeatLocationCapability)
Describes information about the locations of each seat
A SDLSystemCapability object
Convenience init for a Driver Distraction capability
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithDriverDistractionCapability:
(nonnull SDLDriverDistractionCapability *)capability;
init(driverDistractionCapability capability: SDLDriverDistractionCapability)
Describes capabilities when the driver is distracted
A SDLSystemCapability object
Used as a descriptor of what data to expect in this struct. The corresponding param to this enum should be included and the only other parameter included.
@property (nonatomic, strong) SDLSystemCapabilityType _Nonnull systemCapabilityType;
var systemCapabilityType: SDLSystemCapabilityType { get set }
Describes the capabilities of app services including what service types are supported and the current state of services.
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) SDLAppServicesCapabilities *appServicesCapabilities;
var appServicesCapabilities: SDLAppServicesCapabilities? { get set }
Describes the extended capabilities of the onboard navigation system
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) SDLNavigationCapability *navigationCapability;
var navigationCapability: SDLNavigationCapability? { get set }
Describes the extended capabilities of the module’s phone feature
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) SDLPhoneCapability *phoneCapability;
var phoneCapability: SDLPhoneCapability? { get set }
Describes the capabilities of the module’s video streaming feature
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) SDLVideoStreamingCapability *videoStreamingCapability;
var videoStreamingCapability: SDLVideoStreamingCapability? { get set }
Describes the extended capabilities of the module’s remote control feature
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) SDLRemoteControlCapabilities *remoteControlCapability;
var remoteControlCapability: SDLRemoteControlCapabilities? { get set }
Describes information about the locations of each seat
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) SDLSeatLocationCapability *seatLocationCapability;
var seatLocationCapability: SDLSeatLocationCapability? { get set }
Contain the display related information and all windows related to that display
@since SDL 6.0
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSArray<SDLDisplayCapability *> *displayCapabilities;
var displayCapabilities: [SDLDisplayCapability]? { get set }
Describes capabilities when the driver is distracted
@since SDL 7.0.0
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) SDLDriverDistractionCapability *driverDistractionCapability;
var driverDistractionCapability: SDLDriverDistractionCapability? { get set }