Speaks a phrase over the vehicle audio system using SDL’s TTS (text-to-speech) engine. The provided text to be spoken can be simply a text phrase, or it can consist of phoneme specifications to direct SDL’s TTS engine to speak a “speech-sculpted” phrase.
Receipt of the Response indicates the completion of the Speak operation, regardless of how the Speak operation may have completed (i.e. successfully, interrupted, terminated, etc.).
Requesting a new Speak operation while the application has another Speak operation already in progress (i.e. no corresponding Response for that in-progress Speak operation has been received yet) will terminate the in-progress Speak operation (causing its corresponding Response to be sent by SDL) and begin the requested Speak operation
Requesting a new Speak operation while the application has an SDLAlert operation already in progress (i.e. no corresponding Response for that in-progress SDLAlert operation has been received yet) will result in the Speak operation request being rejected (indicated in the Response to the Request)
Requesting a new SDLAlert operation while the application has a Speak operation already in progress (i.e. no corresponding Response for that in-progress Speak operation has been received yet) will terminate the in-progress Speak operation (causing its corresponding Response to be sent by SDL) and begin the requested SDLAlert operation
Requesting a new Speak operation while the application has a SDLPerformInteraction operation already in progress (i.e. no corresponding Response for that in-progress SDLPerformInteraction operation has been received yet) will result in the Speak operation request being rejected (indicated in the Response to the Request)
Requesting a SDLPerformInteraction operation while the application has a Speak operation already in progress (i.e. no corresponding Response for that in-progress Speak operation has been received yet) will terminate the in-progress Speak operation (causing its corresponding Response to be sent by SDL) and begin the requested SDLPerformInteraction operation
HMI Status Requirements:
Additional Notes:
@since SmartDeviceLink 1.0
SDLAlertConvenience init to create a speak message
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithTTS:(nonnull NSString *)ttsText;
init(tts ttsText: String)
The text to speak
An SDLSpeak object
Convenience init to create a speak message
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithTTSChunks:
(nonnull NSArray<SDLTTSChunk *> *)ttsChunks;
init(ttsChunks: [SDLTTSChunk])
An array of TTSChunk structs which, taken together, specify the phrase to be spoken
An SDLSpeak object
An array of TTSChunk structs which, taken together, specify the phrase to be spoken
@discussion The total length of the phrase composed from the ttsChunks provided must be less than 500 characters or the request will be rejected
Required, Array of SDLTTSChunk, Array size 1 - 100
SDLTTSChunk@property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray<SDLTTSChunk *> *_Nonnull ttsChunks;
var ttsChunks: [SDLTTSChunk] { get set }