Sets the media clock/timer value and the update method (e.g.count-up, count-down, etc.)
Function Group: Base
Since SmartDeviceLink 1.0
Create a media clock timer that counts up, e.g from 0:00 to 4:18.
This will fail if startTime is greater than endTime
+ (nonnull instancetype)countUpFromStartTimeInterval:(NSTimeInterval)startTime
(nullable SDLAudioStreamingIndicator)
class func countUp(from startTime: TimeInterval, to endTime: TimeInterval, playPauseIndicator: SDLAudioStreamingIndicator?) -> Self
The start time interval, e.g. (0) 0:00
The end time interval, e.g. (258) 4:18
An optional audio indicator to change the play/pause button
An object of SetMediaClockTimer
Create a media clock timer that counts up, e.g from 0:00 to 4:18.
This will fail if startTime is greater than endTime
+ (nonnull instancetype)
(nullable SDLAudioStreamingIndicator)playPauseIndicator
(nullable SDLSeekStreamingIndicator *)forwardSeekIndicator
(nullable SDLSeekStreamingIndicator *)backSeekIndicator
countRate:(nullable NSNumber<SDLFloat> *)countRate;
class func countUp(from startTime: TimeInterval, to endTime: TimeInterval, playPauseIndicator: SDLAudioStreamingIndicator?, forwardSeekIndicator: SDLSeekStreamingIndicator?, backSeekIndicator: SDLSeekStreamingIndicator?, countRate: (NSNumber & SDLFloat)?) -> Self
The start time interval, e.g. (0) 0:00
The end time interval, e.g. (258) 4:18
An optional audio indicator to change the play/pause button
set the media playback timer, if nil
, will default to 1.0
- forwardSeekIndicator
- backSeekIndicator
An object of SetMediaClockTimer
Create a media clock timer that counts up, e.g from 0:00 to 4:18.
This will fail if startTime is greater than endTime
+ (nonnull instancetype)countUpFromStartTime:(nonnull SDLStartTime *)startTime
toEndTime:(nonnull SDLStartTime *)endTime
(nullable SDLAudioStreamingIndicator)
class func countUp(from startTime: SDLStartTime, to endTime: SDLStartTime, playPauseIndicator: SDLAudioStreamingIndicator?) -> Self
The start time interval, e.g. 0:00
The end time interval, e.g. 4:18
An optional audio indicator to change the play/pause button
An object of SetMediaClockTimer
Create a media clock timer that counts up, e.g from 0:00 to 4:18.
This will fail if startTime is greater than endTime
+ (nonnull instancetype)
countUpFromStartTime:(nonnull SDLStartTime *)startTime
toEndTime:(nonnull SDLStartTime *)endTime
playPauseIndicator:(nullable SDLAudioStreamingIndicator)playPauseIndicator
(nullable SDLSeekStreamingIndicator *)forwardSeekIndicator
backSeekIndicator:(nullable SDLSeekStreamingIndicator *)backSeekIndicator
countRate:(nullable NSNumber<SDLFloat> *)countRate;
class func countUp(from startTime: SDLStartTime, to endTime: SDLStartTime, playPauseIndicator: SDLAudioStreamingIndicator?, forwardSeekIndicator: SDLSeekStreamingIndicator?, backSeekIndicator: SDLSeekStreamingIndicator?, countRate: (NSNumber & SDLFloat)?) -> Self
The start time interval, e.g. 0:00
The end time interval, e.g. 4:18
An optional audio indicator to change the play/pause button
- forwardSeekIndicator
- backSeekIndicator
set the media playback timer, if nil
, will default to 1.0
An object of SetMediaClockTimer
Create a media clock timer that counts down, e.g. from 4:18 to 0:00
This will fail if endTime is greater than startTime
+ (nonnull instancetype)countDownFromStartTimeInterval:(NSTimeInterval)startTime
(nullable SDLAudioStreamingIndicator)
class func countDown(from startTime: TimeInterval, to endTime: TimeInterval, playPauseIndicator: SDLAudioStreamingIndicator?) -> Self
The start time interval, e.g. (258) 4:18
The end time interval, e.g. (0) 0:00
An optional audio indicator to change the play/pause button
An object of SetMediaClockTimer
Create a media clock timer that counts down, e.g. from 4:18 to 0:00
This will fail if endTime is greater than startTime
+ (nonnull instancetype)
(nullable SDLAudioStreamingIndicator)playPauseIndicator
(nullable SDLSeekStreamingIndicator *)forwardSeekIndicator
(nullable SDLSeekStreamingIndicator *)backSeekIndicator
countRate:(nullable NSNumber<SDLFloat> *)countRate;
class func countDown(from startTime: TimeInterval, to endTime: TimeInterval, playPauseIndicator: SDLAudioStreamingIndicator?, forwardSeekIndicator: SDLSeekStreamingIndicator?, backSeekIndicator: SDLSeekStreamingIndicator?, countRate: (NSNumber & SDLFloat)?) -> Self
The start time interval, e.g. (258) 4:18
The end time interval, e.g. (0) 0:00
An optional audio indicator to change the play/pause button
- forwardSeekIndicator
- backSeekIndicator
set the media playback timer, if nil
, will default to 1.0
An object of SetMediaClockTimer
Create a media clock timer that counts down, e.g. from 4:18 to 0:00
This will fail if endTime is greater than startTime
+ (nonnull instancetype)countDownFromStartTime:(nonnull SDLStartTime *)startTime
toEndTime:(nonnull SDLStartTime *)endTime
(nullable SDLAudioStreamingIndicator)
class func countDown(from startTime: SDLStartTime, to endTime: SDLStartTime, playPauseIndicator: SDLAudioStreamingIndicator?) -> Self
The start time interval, e.g. 4:18
The end time interval, e.g. 0:00
An optional audio indicator to change the play/pause button
An object of SetMediaClockTimer
Create a media clock timer that counts down, e.g. from 4:18 to 0:00
This will fail if endTime is greater than startTime
+ (nonnull instancetype)
countDownFromStartTime:(nonnull SDLStartTime *)startTime
toEndTime:(nonnull SDLStartTime *)endTime
(nullable SDLAudioStreamingIndicator)playPauseIndicator
(nullable SDLSeekStreamingIndicator *)forwardSeekIndicator
(nullable SDLSeekStreamingIndicator *)backSeekIndicator
countRate:(nullable NSNumber<SDLFloat> *)countRate;
class func countDown(from startTime: SDLStartTime, to endTime: SDLStartTime, playPauseIndicator: SDLAudioStreamingIndicator?, forwardSeekIndicator: SDLSeekStreamingIndicator?, backSeekIndicator: SDLSeekStreamingIndicator?, countRate: (NSNumber & SDLFloat)?) -> Self
The start time interval, e.g. 4:18
The end time interval, e.g. 0:00
An optional audio indicator to change the play/pause button
- forwardSeekIndicator
- backSeekIndicator
set the media playback timer, if nil
, will default to 1.0
An object of SetMediaClockTimer
Pause an existing (counting up / down) media clock timer
+ (nonnull instancetype)pauseWithPlayPauseIndicator:
(nullable SDLAudioStreamingIndicator)playPauseIndicator;
class func pause(playPauseIndicator: SDLAudioStreamingIndicator?) -> Self
An optional audio indicator to change the play/pause button
An object of SetMediaClockTimer
Update a pause time (or pause and update the time) on a media clock timer
+ (nonnull instancetype)
playPauseIndicator:(nullable SDLAudioStreamingIndicator)
class func pause(newStart startTime: TimeInterval, newEnd endTime: TimeInterval, playPauseIndicator: SDLAudioStreamingIndicator?) -> Self
The new start time interval
The new end time interval
An optional audio indicator to change the play/pause button
An object of SetMediaClockTimer
Update a pause time (or pause and update the time) on a media clock timer
+ (nonnull instancetype)
updatePauseWithNewStartTime:(nonnull SDLStartTime *)startTime
endTime:(nonnull SDLStartTime *)endTime
(nullable SDLAudioStreamingIndicator)playPauseIndicator;
class func pause(newStart startTime: SDLStartTime, newEnd endTime: SDLStartTime, playPauseIndicator: SDLAudioStreamingIndicator?) -> Self
The new start time
The new end time
An optional audio indicator to change the play/pause button
An object of SetMediaClockTimer
Resume a paused media clock timer. It resumes at the same time at which it was paused.
+ (nonnull instancetype)resumeWithPlayPauseIndicator:
(nullable SDLAudioStreamingIndicator)playPauseIndicator;
class func resume(playPauseIndicator: SDLAudioStreamingIndicator?) -> Self
An optional audio indicator to change the play/pause button
An object of SetMediaClockTimer
Resume a paused media clock timer. It resumes at the same time at which it was paused.
+ (nonnull instancetype)
(nullable SDLAudioStreamingIndicator)playPauseIndicator
(nullable SDLSeekStreamingIndicator *)forwardSeekIndicator
(nullable SDLSeekStreamingIndicator *)backSeekIndicator
countRate:(nullable NSNumber<SDLFloat> *)countRate;
class func resume(playPauseIndicator: SDLAudioStreamingIndicator?, forwardSeekIndicator: SDLSeekStreamingIndicator?, backSeekIndicator: SDLSeekStreamingIndicator?, countRate: (NSNumber & SDLFloat)?) -> Self
An optional audio indicator to change the play/pause button
- forwardSeekIndicator
- backSeekIndicator
set the media playback timer
An object of SetMediaClockTimer, if nil
, will default to 1.0
Remove a media clock timer from the screen
+ (nonnull instancetype)clearWithPlayPauseIndicator:
(nullable SDLAudioStreamingIndicator)playPauseIndicator;
class func clear(playPauseIndicator: SDLAudioStreamingIndicator?) -> Self
An optional audio indicator to change the play/pause button
An object of SetMediaClockTimer
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithUpdateMode:(nonnull SDLUpdateMode)updateMode;
init(updateMode: SDLUpdateMode)
- updateMode
A SDLSetMediaClockTimer object
Create a SetMediaClockTimer RPC with all available parameters. It’s recommended to use the specific initializers above.
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithUpdateMode:(nonnull SDLUpdateMode)updateMode
startTime:(nullable SDLStartTime *)startTime
endTime:(nullable SDLStartTime *)endTime
playPauseIndicator:(nullable SDLAudioStreamingIndicator)
init(updateMode: SDLUpdateMode, startTime: SDLStartTime?, endTime: SDLStartTime?, playPauseIndicator: SDLAudioStreamingIndicator?)
The type of SetMediaClockTimer RPC
The start time. Only valid in some updateModes.
The end time. Only valid in some updateModes.
The display of the play/pause button
An object of SetMediaClockTimer
- (nonnull instancetype)
initWithUpdateMode:(nonnull SDLUpdateMode)updateMode
startTime:(nullable SDLStartTime *)startTime
endTime:(nullable SDLStartTime *)endTime
(nullable SDLAudioStreamingIndicator)audioStreamingIndicator
(nullable SDLSeekStreamingIndicator *)forwardSeekIndicator
(nullable SDLSeekStreamingIndicator *)backSeekIndicator
countRate:(nullable NSNumber<SDLFloat> *)countRate;
init(updateMode: SDLUpdateMode, startTime: SDLStartTime?, end endTime: SDLStartTime?, audioStreamingIndicator: SDLAudioStreamingIndicator?, forwardSeekIndicator: SDLSeekStreamingIndicator?, backSeekIndicator: SDLSeekStreamingIndicator?, countRate: (NSNumber & SDLFloat)?)
- updateMode
- startTime
- endTime
- audioStreamingIndicator
- forwardSeekIndicator
- backSeekIndicator
- countRate
A SDLSetMediaClockTimer object
A Start Time with specifying hour, minute, second values
@discussion A startTime object with specifying hour, minute, second values
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) SDLStartTime *startTime;
var startTime: SDLStartTime? { get set }
An END time of type SDLStartTime, specifying hour, minute, second values
@discussion An SDLStartTime object with specifying hour, minute, second values
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) SDLStartTime *endTime;
var endTime: SDLStartTime? { get set }
The media clock/timer update mode (COUNTUP/COUNTDOWN/PAUSE/RESUME)
@discussion a Enumeration value (COUNTUP/COUNTDOWN/PAUSE/RESUME)
@property (nonatomic, strong) SDLUpdateMode _Nonnull updateMode;
var updateMode: SDLUpdateMode { get set }
The audio streaming indicator used for a play/pause button.
@discussion Set the indicator icon of a play/pause button depending on the current audio playback. This parameter is optional. If omitted the last indicator sent will not change.
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) SDLAudioStreamingIndicator audioStreamingIndicator;
var audioStreamingIndicator: SDLAudioStreamingIndicator? { get set }
Used to control the forward seek button to either skip forward a set amount of time or to the next track.
@added in SmartDeviceLink 7.1.0
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) SDLSeekStreamingIndicator *forwardSeekIndicator;
var forwardSeekIndicator: SDLSeekStreamingIndicator? { get set }
Used to control the back seek button to either skip back a set amount of time or to the previous track.
@added in SmartDeviceLink 7.1.0
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) SDLSeekStreamingIndicator *backSeekIndicator;
var backSeekIndicator: SDLSeekStreamingIndicator? { get set }
The value of this parameter is the amount that the media clock timer will advance per 1.0 seconds of real time. Values less than 1.0 will therefore advance the timer slower than real-time, while values greater than 1.0 will advance the timer faster than real-time. e.g. If this parameter is set to 0.5
, the timer will advance one second per two seconds real-time, or at 50% speed. If this parameter is set to 2.0
, the timer will advance two seconds per one second real-time, or at 200% speed.
{“num_min_value”: 0.1, “num_max_value”: 100.0, “default_value”: 1.0}
@added in SmartDeviceLink 7.1.0
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber<SDLFloat> *countRate;
var countRate: (NSNumber & SDLFloat)? { get set }