The seek next / skip previous subscription buttons’ content
@added in SmartDeviceLink 7.1.0
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithType:(nonnull SDLSeekIndicatorType)type;
init(type: SDLSeekIndicatorType)
- type
A SDLSeekStreamingIndicator object
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithType:(nonnull SDLSeekIndicatorType)type
seekTime:(nullable NSNumber<SDLUInt> *)seekTime;
init(type: SDLSeekIndicatorType, seekTime: (NSNumber & SDLUInt)?)
- type
- seekTime
A SDLSeekStreamingIndicator object
+ (nonnull instancetype)seekIndicatorWithSeekTime:(NSUInteger)seekTime;
class func seekIndicator(withSeekTime seekTime: UInt) -> Self
- seekTime
A SDLSeekStreamingIndicator object
The type of seek indicator to be displayed on the module UI
@property (nonatomic, strong) SDLSeekIndicatorType _Nonnull type;
var type: SDLSeekIndicatorType { get set }
If the type is TIME, this number of seconds may be present alongside the skip indicator. It will indicate the number of seconds that the currently playing media will skip forward or backward. {“num_min_value”: 1, “num_max_value”: 99}
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber<SDLUInt> *seekTime;
var seekTime: (NSNumber & SDLUInt)? { get set }