Contains information about the locations of each seat.
Constructs a newly allocated SDLSeatLocationCapability object with all parameters
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithSeats:
(nonnull NSArray<SDLSeatLocation *> *)seats
cols:(nonnull NSNumber<SDLInt> *)cols
rows:(nonnull NSNumber<SDLInt> *)rows
levels:(nonnull NSNumber<SDLInt> *)levels;
init(seats: [SDLSeatLocation], cols: NSNumber & SDLInt, rows: NSNumber & SDLInt, levels: NSNumber & SDLInt)
Describes the location of a seat
Number of columns
Number of rows
Number of levels
An SDLSeatLocationCapability object
Optional, Integer, 1 - 100
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber<SDLInt> *cols;
var cols: (NSNumber & SDLInt)? { get set }
Optional, Integer, 1 - 100
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber<SDLInt> *rows;
var rows: (NSNumber & SDLInt)? { get set }
Optional, Integer, 1 - 100
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber<SDLInt> *levels;
var levels: (NSNumber & SDLInt)? { get set }
Contains a list of SeatLocation in the vehicle, the first element is the driver’s seat Optional
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSArray<SDLSeatLocation *> *seats;
var seats: [SDLSeatLocation]? { get set }