A NSNotification object that makes retrieving internal SDLRPCResponse data easier
The response to be included within the userinfo dictionary
@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) __kindof SDLRPCResponse *_Nonnull response;
@NSCopying var response: SDLRPCResponse { get }
Create an NSNotification object containing an SDLRPCResponse
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithName:(nonnull NSString *)name
object:(nullable id)object
(nonnull __kindof SDLRPCResponse *)response;
init(name: String, object: Any?, rpcResponse response: SDLRPCResponse)
The NSNotification name
The NSNotification object
The SDLRPCResponse payload
The NSNotification
Returns whether or not the containing response is equal to a class, not including subclasses.
- (BOOL)isResponseMemberOfClass:(nonnull Class)aClass;
func isResponseMember(of aClass: AnyClass) -> Bool
the class you are questioning
Returns whether or not the containing response is a kind of class, including subclasses.
- (BOOL)isResponseKindOfClass:(nonnull Class)aClass;
func isResponseKind(of aClass: AnyClass) -> Bool
the class you are questioning