Performs an application-initiated interaction in which the user can select a choice from the passed choice set.
There are several ways to present a choice set: as visual pop-up menu (with an optional keyboard that allows for searches), as voice-recognition (VR) only menu, or as both a VR and visual menu. It is also possible to present only the keyboard for doing searches.
A choice set can have up to 100 items, however if you are presenting a visual only menu please be aware that the OEM may choose to limit the number of presented choices when the driver is distracted (i.e. the car is moving).
A VR-only menu could be used to ask a user to say the name of a song to play. The user’s response would only be valid if it appears in the specified choice set. A visual popup-menu could be used to present a list of albums to the user. The user would select the album they want to play from the list of presented choices. A keyboard can be used for searches. For example, the user could be asked to enter the name of a restaurant. The name can be used to search for local restaurants with the same name. When the search is completed another menu can be presented with a list of potential addresses for the destination.
If connecting to SDL Core v.6.0+, the perform interaction can be canceled programmatically using the cancelID
. On older versions of SDL Core, the perform interaction will persist until the user has interacted with the perform interaction or the specified timeout has elapsed.
SDLCreateInteractionChoiceSet, SDLDeleteInteractionChoiceSet@since SDL 1.0
Convenience init for creating a basic display or voice-recognition menu.
- (nonnull instancetype)
initWithInitialText:(nonnull NSString *)initialText
interactionMode:(nonnull SDLInteractionMode)interactionMode
(nonnull NSArray<NSNumber<SDLUInt> *> *)interactionChoiceSetIDList
init(initialText: String, interactionMode: SDLInteractionMode, interactionChoiceSetIDList: [NSNumber & SDLUInt], cancelID: UInt32)
Text to be displayed first
Indicates the method in which the user is notified and uses the interaction
List of interaction choice set IDs to use with an interaction
An ID for this specific perform interaction to allow cancellation through the CancelInteraction
An SDLPerformInteraction object
Convenience init for setting all parameters of a display or voice-recognition menu.
- (nonnull instancetype)
initWithInitialText:(nonnull NSString *)initialText
initialPrompt:(nullable NSArray<SDLTTSChunk *> *)initialPrompt
interactionMode:(nonnull SDLInteractionMode)interactionMode
(nonnull NSArray<NSNumber<SDLUInt> *> *)interactionChoiceSetIDList
helpPrompt:(nullable NSArray<SDLTTSChunk *> *)helpPrompt
timeoutPrompt:(nullable NSArray<SDLTTSChunk *> *)timeoutPrompt
vrHelp:(nullable NSArray<SDLVRHelpItem *> *)vrHelp
interactionLayout:(nullable SDLLayoutMode)interactionLayout
init(initialText: String, initialPrompt: [SDLTTSChunk]?, interactionMode: SDLInteractionMode, interactionChoiceSetIDList: [NSNumber & SDLUInt], helpPrompt: [SDLTTSChunk]?, timeoutPrompt: [SDLTTSChunk]?, timeout: UInt16, vrHelp: [SDLVRHelpItem]?, interactionLayout: SDLLayoutMode?, cancelID: UInt32)
Text to be displayed first
The initial prompt spoken to the user at the start of an interaction
The method in which the user is notified and uses the interaction (voice, visual or both)
List of interaction choice set IDs to use with an interaction
The spoken text when a user speaks “help” when the interaction is occurring
The text spoken when a VR interaction times out
Timeout in milliseconds
Suggested voice recognition help items to display on-screen during a perform interaction
For touchscreen interactions, the mode of how the choices are presented
An ID for this specific perform interaction to allow cancellation through the CancelInteraction
An SDLPerformInteraction object
Text to be displayed first.
String, Required
@since SDL 1.0
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *_Nonnull initialText;
var initialText: String { get set }
This is the TTS prompt spoken to the user at the start of an interaction.
Array of SDLTTSChunk, Optional, Array size: 1-100
@since SDL 1.0
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSArray<SDLTTSChunk *> *initialPrompt;
var initialPrompt: [SDLTTSChunk]? { get set }
For application-requested interactions, this mode indicates the method in which the user is notified and uses the interaction. Users can choose either only by voice (VR_ONLY), by tactile selection from the menu (MANUAL_ONLY), or by either mode (BOTH).
SDLInteractionMode, Required
@since SDL 1.0
@property (nonatomic, strong) SDLInteractionMode _Nonnull interactionMode;
var interactionMode: SDLInteractionMode { get set }
List of interaction choice set IDs to use with an interaction.
Array of Integers, Required, Array size: 0-100, Min value: 0, Max value: 2000000000
@since SDL 1.0
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray<NSNumber *> *_Nonnull interactionChoiceSetIDList;
var interactionChoiceSetIDList: [NSNumber] { get set }
Help text. This is the spoken text when a user speaks “help” while the interaction is occurring.
SDLTTSChunk, Optional
@since SDL 1.0
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSArray<SDLTTSChunk *> *helpPrompt;
var helpPrompt: [SDLTTSChunk]? { get set }
Timeout text. This text is spoken when a VR interaction times out.
Array of SDLTTSChunk, Optional, Array size: 1-100
@since SDL 1.0
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSArray<SDLTTSChunk *> *timeoutPrompt;
var timeoutPrompt: [SDLTTSChunk]? { get set }
Timeout in milliseconds. Applies only to the menu portion of the interaction. The VR timeout will be handled by the platform. If omitted a standard value of 10 seconds is used.
Integer, Optional, Min value: 5000, Max value: 100,000
@since SDL 1.0
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber<SDLInt> *timeout;
var timeout: (NSNumber & SDLInt)? { get set }
Suggested voice recognition help items to display on-screen during a perform interaction. If omitted on supported displays, the default generated list of suggested choices shall be displayed.
SDLVRHelpItem, Optional
@since SDL 2.0
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSArray<SDLVRHelpItem *> *vrHelp;
var vrHelp: [SDLVRHelpItem]? { get set }
For tactile interaction modes (MANUAL_ONLY, or BOTH), the layout mode of how the choices are presented.
SDLLayoutMode, Optional
@since SDL 3.0
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) SDLLayoutMode interactionLayout;
var interactionLayout: SDLLayoutMode? { get set }
An ID for this specific perform interaction to allow cancellation through the CancelInteraction
Integer, Optional
SDLCancelInteraction @since SDL 6.0@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber<SDLInt> *cancelID;
var cancelID: (NSNumber & SDLInt)? { get set }