Callback for the periodic and non periodic vehicle data read function.
Since SmartDeviceLink 2.0
Convenience init for setting all possible values on vehicle data items.
- (nonnull instancetype)
initWithGps:(nullable SDLGPSData *)gps
speed:(nullable NSNumber<SDLFloat> *)speed
rpm:(nullable NSNumber<SDLUInt> *)rpm
(nullable NSNumber<SDLFloat> *)instantFuelConsumption
fuelRange:(nullable NSArray<SDLFuelRange *> *)fuelRange
externalTemperature:(nullable NSNumber<SDLFloat> *)externalTemperature
turnSignal:(nullable SDLTurnSignal)turnSignal
vin:(nullable NSString *)vin
gearStatus:(nullable SDLGearStatus *)gearStatus
tirePressure:(nullable SDLTireStatus *)tirePressure
odometer:(nullable NSNumber<SDLUInt> *)odometer
beltStatus:(nullable SDLBeltStatus *)beltStatus
bodyInformation:(nullable SDLBodyInformation *)bodyInformation
deviceStatus:(nullable SDLDeviceStatus *)deviceStatus
driverBraking:(nullable SDLVehicleDataEventStatus)driverBraking
wiperStatus:(nullable SDLWiperStatus)wiperStatus
headLampStatus:(nullable SDLHeadLampStatus *)headLampStatus
engineTorque:(nullable NSNumber<SDLFloat> *)engineTorque
accPedalPosition:(nullable NSNumber<SDLFloat> *)accPedalPosition
steeringWheelAngle:(nullable NSNumber<SDLFloat> *)steeringWheelAngle
engineOilLife:(nullable NSNumber<SDLFloat> *)engineOilLife
(nullable SDLElectronicParkBrakeStatus)electronicParkBrakeStatus
cloudAppVehicleID:(nullable NSString *)cloudAppVehicleID
(nullable SDLStabilityControlsStatus *)stabilityControlsStatus
eCallInfo:(nullable SDLECallInfo *)eCallInfo
airbagStatus:(nullable SDLAirbagStatus *)airbagStatus
emergencyEvent:(nullable SDLEmergencyEvent *)emergencyEvent
clusterModeStatus:(nullable SDLClusterModeStatus *)clusterModeStatus
myKey:(nullable SDLMyKey *)myKey
handsOffSteering:(nullable NSNumber<SDLBool> *)handsOffSteering
(nullable NSArray<SDLWindowStatus *> *)windowStatus;
init(gps: SDLGPSData?, speed: (NSNumber & SDLFloat)?, rpm: (NSNumber & SDLUInt)?, instantFuelConsumption: (NSNumber & SDLFloat)?, fuelRange: [SDLFuelRange]?, externalTemperature: (NSNumber & SDLFloat)?, turnSignal: SDLTurnSignal?, vin: String?, gearStatus: SDLGearStatus?, tirePressure: SDLTireStatus?, odometer: (NSNumber & SDLUInt)?, beltStatus: SDLBeltStatus?, bodyInformation: SDLBodyInformation?, deviceStatus: SDLDeviceStatus?, driverBraking: SDLVehicleDataEventStatus?, wiperStatus: SDLWiperStatus?, headLampStatus: SDLHeadLampStatus?, engineTorque: (NSNumber & SDLFloat)?, accPedalPosition: (NSNumber & SDLFloat)?, steeringWheelAngle: (NSNumber & SDLFloat)?, engineOilLife: (NSNumber & SDLFloat)?, electronicParkBrakeStatus: SDLElectronicParkBrakeStatus?, cloudAppVehicleID: String?, stabilityControlsStatus: SDLStabilityControlsStatus?, eCallInfo: SDLECallInfo?, airbagStatus: SDLAirbagStatus?, emergencyEvent: SDLEmergencyEvent?, clusterModeStatus: SDLClusterModeStatus?, myKey: SDLMyKey?, handsOffSteering: (NSNumber & SDLBool)?, windowStatus: [SDLWindowStatus]?)
- gps
- @(speed)
- rpm
- @(instantFuelConsumption)
- fuelRange
- @(externalTemperature)
- turnSignal
- vin
- gearStatus
- tirePressure
- odometer
- beltStatus
- bodyInformation
- deviceStatus
- driverBraking
- wiperStatus
- headLampStatus
- @(engineTorque)
- @(accPedalPosition)
- @(steeringWheelAngle)
- @(engineOilLife)
- electronicParkBrakeStatus
- cloudAppVehicleID
- stabilityControlsStatus
- eCallInfo
- airbagStatus
- emergencyEvent
- clusterModeStatus
- myKey
- handsOffSteering
- windowStatus
A SDLOnVehicleData object
Convenience init for setting all possible values on vehicle data items.
- (nonnull instancetype)
initWithGps:(nullable SDLGPSData *)gps
speed:(nullable NSNumber<SDLFloat> *)speed
rpm:(nullable NSNumber<SDLUInt> *)rpm
(nullable NSNumber<SDLFloat> *)instantFuelConsumption
fuelRange:(nullable NSArray<SDLFuelRange *> *)fuelRange
climateData:(nullable SDLClimateData *)climateData
turnSignal:(nullable SDLTurnSignal)turnSignal
vin:(nullable NSString *)vin
gearStatus:(nullable SDLGearStatus *)gearStatus
tirePressure:(nullable SDLTireStatus *)tirePressure
odometer:(nullable NSNumber<SDLUInt> *)odometer
beltStatus:(nullable SDLBeltStatus *)beltStatus
bodyInformation:(nullable SDLBodyInformation *)bodyInformation
deviceStatus:(nullable SDLDeviceStatus *)deviceStatus
driverBraking:(nullable SDLVehicleDataEventStatus)driverBraking
wiperStatus:(nullable SDLWiperStatus)wiperStatus
headLampStatus:(nullable SDLHeadLampStatus *)headLampStatus
engineTorque:(nullable NSNumber<SDLFloat> *)engineTorque
accPedalPosition:(nullable NSNumber<SDLFloat> *)accPedalPosition
steeringWheelAngle:(nullable NSNumber<SDLFloat> *)steeringWheelAngle
engineOilLife:(nullable NSNumber<SDLFloat> *)engineOilLife
(nullable SDLElectronicParkBrakeStatus)electronicParkBrakeStatus
cloudAppVehicleID:(nullable NSString *)cloudAppVehicleID
(nullable SDLStabilityControlsStatus *)stabilityControlsStatus
eCallInfo:(nullable SDLECallInfo *)eCallInfo
airbagStatus:(nullable SDLAirbagStatus *)airbagStatus
emergencyEvent:(nullable SDLEmergencyEvent *)emergencyEvent
clusterModeStatus:(nullable SDLClusterModeStatus *)clusterModeStatus
myKey:(nullable SDLMyKey *)myKey
(nullable NSArray<SDLWindowStatus *> *)windowStatus
handsOffSteering:(nullable NSNumber<SDLBool> *)handsOffSteering
seatOccupancy:(nullable SDLSeatOccupancy *)seatOccupancy;
init(gps: SDLGPSData?, speed: (NSNumber & SDLFloat)?, rpm: (NSNumber & SDLUInt)?, instantFuelConsumption: (NSNumber & SDLFloat)?, fuelRange: [SDLFuelRange]?, climateData: SDLClimateData?, turnSignal: SDLTurnSignal?, vin: String?, gearStatus: SDLGearStatus?, tirePressure: SDLTireStatus?, odometer: (NSNumber & SDLUInt)?, beltStatus: SDLBeltStatus?, bodyInformation: SDLBodyInformation?, deviceStatus: SDLDeviceStatus?, driverBraking: SDLVehicleDataEventStatus?, wiperStatus: SDLWiperStatus?, headLampStatus: SDLHeadLampStatus?, engineTorque: (NSNumber & SDLFloat)?, accPedalPosition: (NSNumber & SDLFloat)?, steeringWheelAngle: (NSNumber & SDLFloat)?, engineOilLife: (NSNumber & SDLFloat)?, electronicParkBrakeStatus: SDLElectronicParkBrakeStatus?, cloudAppVehicleID: String?, stabilityControlsStatus: SDLStabilityControlsStatus?, eCallInfo: SDLECallInfo?, airbagStatus: SDLAirbagStatus?, emergencyEvent: SDLEmergencyEvent?, clusterModeStatus: SDLClusterModeStatus?, myKey: SDLMyKey?, windowStatus: [SDLWindowStatus]?, handsOffSteering: (NSNumber & SDLBool)?, seatOccupancy: SDLSeatOccupancy?)
- gps
- speed
- rpm
- instantFuelConsumption
- fuelRange
- climateData
- turnSignal
- vin
- gearStatus
- tirePressure
- odometer
- beltStatus
- bodyInformation
- deviceStatus
- driverBraking
- wiperStatus
- headLampStatus
- engineTorque
- accPedalPosition
- steeringWheelAngle
- engineOilLife
- electronicParkBrakeStatus
- cloudAppVehicleID
- stabilityControlsStatus
- eCallInfo
- airbagStatus
- emergencyEvent
- clusterModeStatus
- myKey
- windowStatus
- handsOffSteering
- seatOccupancy
A SDLOnVehicleData object
See GearStatus
@since SDL 7.0
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) SDLGearStatus *gearStatus;
var gearStatus: SDLGearStatus? { get set }
The car current GPS coordinates
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) SDLGPSData *gps;
var gps: SDLGPSData? { get set }
The vehicle speed in kilometers per hour
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber<SDLFloat> *speed;
var speed: (NSNumber & SDLFloat)? { get set }
The number of revolutions per minute of the engine.
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber<SDLInt> *rpm;
var rpm: (NSNumber & SDLInt)? { get set }
The fuel level in the tank (percentage)
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber<SDLFloat> *fuelLevel;
var fuelLevel: (NSNumber & SDLFloat)? { get set }
The fuel level state
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) SDLComponentVolumeStatus fuelLevel_State;
var fuelLevel_State: SDLComponentVolumeStatus? { get set }
The estimate range in KM the vehicle can travel based on fuel level and consumption
Optional, Array of length 0 - 100, of SDLFuelRange
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSArray<SDLFuelRange *> *fuelRange;
var fuelRange: [SDLFuelRange]? { get set }
The instantaneous fuel consumption in microlitres
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber<SDLFloat> *instantFuelConsumption;
var instantFuelConsumption: (NSNumber & SDLFloat)? { get set }
See ClimateData
@added in SmartDeviceLink 7.1.0
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) SDLClimateData *climateData;
var climateData: SDLClimateData? { get set }
The external temperature in degrees celsius. This parameter is deprecated starting RPC Spec 7.1, please see climateData. {“num_min_value”: -40.0, “num_max_value”: 100.0}
@deprecated in SmartDeviceLink 7.1.0 @added in SmartDeviceLink 2.0.0
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber<SDLFloat> *externalTemperature;
var externalTemperature: (NSNumber & SDLFloat)? { get set }
The Vehicle Identification Number
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSString *vin;
var vin: String? { get set }
See PRNDL. This parameter is deprecated and it is now covered in gearStatus
@deprecated @since SDL 7.0.0
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) SDLPRNDL prndl;
var prndl: SDLPRNDL? { get set }
The current pressure warnings for the user’s vehicle
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) SDLTireStatus *tirePressure;
var tirePressure: SDLTireStatus? { get set }
Odometer reading in km
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber<SDLInt> *odometer;
var odometer: (NSNumber & SDLInt)? { get set }
The status of the seat belts
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) SDLBeltStatus *beltStatus;
var beltStatus: SDLBeltStatus? { get set }
The body information including power modes
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) SDLBodyInformation *bodyInformation;
var bodyInformation: SDLBodyInformation? { get set }
The IVI system status including signal and battery strength
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) SDLDeviceStatus *deviceStatus;
var deviceStatus: SDLDeviceStatus? { get set }
The status of the brake pedal
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) SDLVehicleDataEventStatus driverBraking;
var driverBraking: SDLVehicleDataEventStatus? { get set }
See WindowStatus {“array_min_size”: 0, “array_max_size”: 100}
@since SDL 7.0
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSArray<SDLWindowStatus *> *windowStatus;
var windowStatus: [SDLWindowStatus]? { get set }
The status of the wipers
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) SDLWiperStatus wiperStatus;
var wiperStatus: SDLWiperStatus? { get set }
To indicate whether driver hands are off the steering wheel
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber<SDLBool> *handsOffSteering;
var handsOffSteering: (NSNumber & SDLBool)? { get set }
Status of the head lamps
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) SDLHeadLampStatus *headLampStatus;
var headLampStatus: SDLHeadLampStatus? { get set }
The estimated percentage (0% - 100%) of remaining oil life of the engine
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber<SDLFloat> *engineOilLife;
var engineOilLife: (NSNumber & SDLFloat)? { get set }
Torque value for engine (in Nm) on non-diesel variants
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber<SDLFloat> *engineTorque;
var engineTorque: (NSNumber & SDLFloat)? { get set }
Accelerator pedal position (percentage depressed)
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber<SDLFloat> *accPedalPosition;
var accPedalPosition: (NSNumber & SDLFloat)? { get set }
Current angle of the steering wheel (in deg)
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber<SDLFloat> *steeringWheelAngle;
var steeringWheelAngle: (NSNumber & SDLFloat)? { get set }
Emergency Call notification and confirmation data
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) SDLECallInfo *eCallInfo;
var eCallInfo: SDLECallInfo? { get set }
The status of the air bags
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) SDLAirbagStatus *airbagStatus;
var airbagStatus: SDLAirbagStatus? { get set }
Information related to an emergency event (and if it occurred)
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) SDLEmergencyEvent *emergencyEvent;
var emergencyEvent: SDLEmergencyEvent? { get set }
The status modes of the cluster
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) SDLClusterModeStatus *clusterModeStatus;
var clusterModeStatus: SDLClusterModeStatus? { get set }
Information related to the MyKey feature
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) SDLMyKey *myKey;
var myKey: SDLMyKey? { get set }
The status of the electronic parking brake
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) SDLElectronicParkBrakeStatus electronicParkBrakeStatus;
var electronicParkBrakeStatus: SDLElectronicParkBrakeStatus? { get set }
See StabilityControlsStatus
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) SDLStabilityControlsStatus *stabilityControlsStatus;
var stabilityControlsStatus: SDLStabilityControlsStatus? { get set }
The status of the turn signal
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) SDLTurnSignal turnSignal;
var turnSignal: SDLTurnSignal? { get set }
The cloud app vehicle ID
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSString *cloudAppVehicleID;
var cloudAppVehicleID: String? { get set }
Sets the OEM custom vehicle data state for any given OEM custom vehicle data name.
Added in SmartDeviceLink 6.0
- (void)setOEMCustomVehicleData:(nonnull NSString *)vehicleDataName
withVehicleDataState:(nonnull NSObject *)vehicleDataState;
func setOEMCustomVehicleData(name vehicleDataName: String, state vehicleDataState: NSObject)
The name of the OEM custom vehicle data item.
An object containing the OEM custom vehicle data item.
Gets the OEM custom vehicle data item for any given OEM custom vehicle data name.
Added in SmartDeviceLink 6.0
- (nullable NSObject *)getOEMCustomVehicleData:
(nonnull NSString *)vehicleDataName;
func getOEMCustomVehicleData(_ vehicleDataName: String) -> NSObject?
The name of the OEM custom vehicle data item.
An OEM custom vehicle data object for the given vehicle data name.
See SeatOccupancy
@added in SmartDeviceLink 7.1.0
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) SDLSeatOccupancy *seatOccupancy;
var seatOccupancy: SDLSeatOccupancy? { get set }