Callback including encoded data of any SyncP packets that SYNC needs to send back to the mobile device. Legacy / v1 Protocol implementation; responds to EncodedSyncPData. *** DEPRECATED ***
Contains base64 encoded string of SyncP packets.
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray<NSString *> *_Nonnull data;
var data: [String] { get set }
If blank, the SyncP data shall be forwarded to the app. If not blank, the SyncP data shall be forwarded to the provided URL.
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSString *URL;
var url: String? { get set }
If blank, the SyncP data shall be forwarded to the app. If not blank, the SyncP data shall be forwarded with the provided timeout in seconds.
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber<SDLInt> *Timeout;
var timeout: (NSNumber & SDLInt)? { get set }