Describes a remote control module’s data
Constructs a newly allocated SDLModuleData object with radio control data
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithRadioControlData:
(nonnull SDLRadioControlData *)radioControlData;
init(radioControlData: SDLRadioControlData)
The radio control data
An instance of the SDLModuleData class
Constructs a newly allocated SDLModuleData object with climate control data
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithClimateControlData:
(nonnull SDLClimateControlData *)climateControlData;
init(climateControlData: SDLClimateControlData)
The climate control data
An instance of the SDLModuleData class
Constructs a newly allocated SDLModuleData object with audio control data
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithAudioControlData:
(nonnull SDLAudioControlData *)audioControlData;
init(audioControlData: SDLAudioControlData)
The audio control data
An instance of the SDLModuleData class
Constructs a newly allocated SDLModuleData object with light control data
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithLightControlData:
(nonnull SDLLightControlData *)lightControlData;
init(lightControlData: SDLLightControlData)
The light control data
An instance of the SDLModuleData class
Constructs a newly allocated SDLModuleData object with hmi settings data
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithHMISettingsControlData:
(nonnull SDLHMISettingsControlData *)hmiSettingsControlData;
init(hmiSettingsControlData: SDLHMISettingsControlData)
The hmi settings data
An instance of the SDLModuleData class
Constructs a newly allocated SDLModuleData object with seat control data
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithSeatControlData:
(nonnull SDLSeatControlData *)seatControlData;
init(seatControlData: SDLSeatControlData)
The seat control data
An instance of the SDLModuleData class
The moduleType indicates which type of data should be changed and identifies which data object exists in this struct.
For example, if the moduleType is CLIMATE then a “climateControlData” should exist
@property (nonatomic, strong) SDLModuleType _Nonnull moduleType;
var moduleType: SDLModuleType { get set }
Id of a module, published by System Capability.
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSString *moduleId;
var moduleId: String? { get set }
The radio control data
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) SDLRadioControlData *radioControlData;
var radioControlData: SDLRadioControlData? { get set }
The climate control data
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) SDLClimateControlData *climateControlData;
var climateControlData: SDLClimateControlData? { get set }
The seat control data
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) SDLSeatControlData *seatControlData;
var seatControlData: SDLSeatControlData? { get set }
The audio control data
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) SDLAudioControlData *audioControlData;
var audioControlData: SDLAudioControlData? { get set }
The light control data
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) SDLLightControlData *lightControlData;
var lightControlData: SDLLightControlData? { get set }
The hmi control data
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) SDLHMISettingsControlData *hmiSettingsControlData;
var hmiSettingsControlData: SDLHMISettingsControlData? { get set }