Describes a coordinate on earth
Convenience init for location coordinates
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithLatitudeDegrees:(float)latitudeDegrees
init(latitudeDegrees: Float, longitudeDegrees: Float)
Latitude of the location
Latitude of the location
A SDLLocationCoordinate object
Latitude of the location
Required, Double -90 - 90
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSNumber<SDLFloat> *_Nonnull latitudeDegrees;
@NSCopying var latitudeDegrees: NSNumber & SDLFloat { get set }
Latitude of the location
Required, Double -180 - 180
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSNumber<SDLFloat> *_Nonnull longitudeDegrees;
@NSCopying var longitudeDegrees: NSNumber & SDLFloat { get set }