Current light control state
@since RPC 5.0
Constructs a newly allocated SDLLightState object with given parameters
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithId:(nonnull SDLLightName)id
status:(nonnull SDLLightStatus)status;
init(id: SDLLightName, status: SDLLightStatus)
The name of a light or a group of lights
Reflects the status of Light.
An instance of the SDLLightState class
Constructs a newly allocated SDLLightState object with given parameters
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithId:(nonnull SDLLightName)id
status:(nonnull SDLLightStatus)status
color:(nonnull SDLRGBColor *)color;
init(id: SDLLightName, status: SDLLightStatus, density: Double, color: SDLRGBColor)
The name of a light or a group of lights
Reflects the status of Light.
Reflects the density of Light.
Reflects the color of Light.
An instance of the SDLLightState class
Constructs a newly allocated SDLLightState object with given parameters
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithId:(nonnull SDLLightName)id
lightStatus:(nonnull SDLLightStatus)lightStatus
lightColor:(nonnull UIColor *)lightColor;
init(id: SDLLightName, lightStatus: SDLLightStatus, lightDensity: Double, lightColor: UIColor)
The name of a light or a group of lights
Reflects the status of Light.
Reflects the density of Light.
Reflects the color of Light.
An instance of the SDLLightState class
@abstract The name of a light or a group of lights
Required, SDLLightName
@property (nonatomic, strong) SDLLightName _Nonnull id;
var id: SDLLightName { get set }
@abstract Reflects the status of Light.
Required, SDLLightStatus
@property (nonatomic, strong) SDLLightStatus _Nonnull status;
var status: SDLLightStatus { get set }
@abstract Reflects the density of Light.
Optional, Float type with minValue: 0 maxValue:1
@property (nonatomic, copy, nullable) NSNumber<SDLFloat> *density;
@NSCopying var density: (NSNumber & SDLFloat)? { get set }
@abstract Reflects the color of Light.
Optional, SDLLightStatus
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) SDLRGBColor *color;
var color: SDLRGBColor? { get set }