Data about the current light controls
@since SDL 5.0
Constructs a newly allocated SDLLightControlData object with lightState
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithLightStates:
(nonnull NSArray<SDLLightState *> *)lightState;
init(lightStates lightState: [SDLLightState])
An array of LightNames and their current or desired status
An instance of the SDLLightControlData class
@abstract An array of LightNames and their current or desired status. Status of the LightNames that are not listed in the array shall remain unchanged.
Required, NSArray of type SDLLightState minsize=“1” maxsize=“100”
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray<SDLLightState *> *_Nonnull lightState;
var lightState: [SDLLightState] { get set }