A struct used in DisplayCapabilities describing the capability of an image field
The name that identifies the field.
@property (nonatomic, strong) SDLImageFieldName _Nonnull name;
var name: SDLImageFieldName { get set }
The image types that are supported in this field.
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray<SDLFileType> *_Nonnull imageTypeSupported;
var imageTypeSupported: [SDLFileType] { get set }
The image resolution of this field
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) SDLImageResolution *imageResolution;
var imageResolution: SDLImageResolution? { get set }
Convenience initializer for the ImageField RPC struct
- (nonnull instancetype)
initWithName:(nonnull SDLImageFieldName)name
imageTypeSupported:(nonnull NSArray<SDLFileType> *)imageTypeSupported
imageResolution:(nullable SDLImageResolution *)imageResolution;
init(name: SDLImageFieldName, imageTypeSupported: [SDLFileType], imageResolution: SDLImageResolution?)
The name identifying this image field
The image data types this field supports
The native resolution of this image field