@since SDL 7.0.0
Convenience initializer to assign all object properties
- (nonnull instancetype)
initWithUserSelectedGear:(nullable SDLPRNDL)userSelectedGear
actualGear:(nullable SDLPRNDL)actualGear
transmissionType:(nullable SDLTransmissionType)transmissionType;
init(userSelectedGear: SDLPRNDL?, actualGear: SDLPRNDL?, transmissionType: SDLTransmissionType?)
- userSelectedGear
- actualGear
- transmissionType
A SDLGearStatus object
Gear position selected by the user i.e. Park, Drive, Reverse
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) SDLPRNDL userSelectedGear;
var userSelectedGear: SDLPRNDL? { get set }
Actual Gear in use by the transmission
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) SDLPRNDL actualGear;
var actualGear: SDLPRNDL? { get set }
Tells the transmission type
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) SDLTransmissionType transmissionType;
var transmissionType: SDLTransmissionType? { get set }