File manager configuration information
Defines the number of times the file manager will attempt to reupload SDLArtwork
files in the event of a failed upload to Core.
Defaults to 1. To disable reuploads, set to 0.
@property (nonatomic) UInt8 artworkRetryCount;
var artworkRetryCount: UInt8 { get set }
Defines the number of times the file manager will attempt to reupload general SDLFile
s in the event of a failed upload to Core.
Defaults to 1. To disable reuploads, set to 0.
@property (nonatomic) UInt8 fileRetryCount;
var fileRetryCount: UInt8 { get set }
Creates a default file manager configuration.
+ (nonnull instancetype)defaultConfiguration;
class func `default`() -> Self
A default configuration that may be customized.
Use defaultConfiguration
- (nonnull instancetype)init;
Creates a file manager configuration with customized upload retry counts.
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithArtworkRetryCount:(UInt8)artworkRetryCount
init(artworkRetryCount: UInt8, fileRetryCount: UInt8)
The configuration