Defines the each Equalizer channel settings.
Convenience init
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithChannelId:(UInt8)channelId
init(channelId: UInt8, channelSetting: UInt8)
Read-only channel / frequency name
Reflects the setting, from 0%-100%.
@abstract Read-only channel / frequency name (e.i. “Treble, Midrange, Bass” or “125 Hz”)
Optional, Max String length 50 chars
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSString *channelName;
var channelName: String? { get set }
@abstract Reflects the setting, from 0%-100%.
Required, Integer 1 - 100
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSNumber<SDLInt> *_Nonnull channelSetting;
var channelSetting: NSNumber & SDLInt { get set }
@abstract id of the channel.
Required, Integer 1 - 100
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSNumber<SDLInt> *_Nonnull channelId;
var channelId: NSNumber & SDLInt { get set }