The current information for the Climate Remote Control Module
Convenience init for climate control data with all properties.
- (nonnull instancetype)
initWithFanSpeed:(nullable NSNumber<SDLInt> *)fanSpeed
desiredTemperature:(nullable SDLTemperature *)desiredTemperature
acEnable:(nullable NSNumber<SDLBool> *)acEnable
circulateAirEnable:(nullable NSNumber<SDLBool> *)circulateAirEnable
autoModeEnable:(nullable NSNumber<SDLBool> *)autoModeEnable
defrostZone:(nullable SDLDefrostZone)defrostZone
dualModeEnable:(nullable NSNumber<SDLBool> *)dualModeEnable
acMaxEnable:(nullable NSNumber<SDLBool> *)acMaxEnable
ventilationMode:(nullable SDLVentilationMode)ventilationMode
(nullable NSNumber<SDLBool> *)heatedSteeringWheelEnable
(nullable NSNumber<SDLBool> *)heatedWindshieldEnable
(nullable NSNumber<SDLBool> *)heatedRearWindowEnable
heatedMirrorsEnable:(nullable NSNumber<SDLBool> *)heatedMirrorsEnable
climateEnable:(nullable NSNumber<SDLBool> *)climateEnable;
init(fanSpeed: (NSNumber & SDLInt)?, desiredTemperature: SDLTemperature?, acEnable: (NSNumber & SDLBool)?, circulateAirEnable: (NSNumber & SDLBool)?, autoModeEnable: (NSNumber & SDLBool)?, defrostZone: SDLDefrostZone?, dualModeEnable: (NSNumber & SDLBool)?, acMaxEnable: (NSNumber & SDLBool)?, ventilationMode: SDLVentilationMode?, heatedSteeringWheelEnable: (NSNumber & SDLBool)?, heatedWindshieldEnable: (NSNumber & SDLBool)?, heatedRearWindowEnable: (NSNumber & SDLBool)?, heatedMirrorsEnable: (NSNumber & SDLBool)?, climateEnable: (NSNumber & SDLBool)?)
Speed of Fan in integer
Desired Temperature in SDLTemperature
Represents if AC is enabled
Represents if circulation of air is enabled
Represents if auto mode is enabled
Represents the kind of defrost zone
Represents if dual mode is enabled
Represents if ac max is enabled
Represents the kind of ventilation zone
Represents if heated steering wheel is enabled
Represents if heated windshield is enabled
Represents if heated rear window is enabled
Represents if heated mirrors are enabled
Represents if climate is enabled
An SDLClimateControlData object
Speed of Fan in integer
Optional, MinValue- 0 MaxValue= 100
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber<SDLInt> *fanSpeed;
var fanSpeed: (NSNumber & SDLInt)? { get set }
The Current Temperature in SDLTemperature
This property is readonly and cannot be set on the module.Optional
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) SDLTemperature *currentTemperature;
var currentTemperature: SDLTemperature? { get set }
Desired Temperature in SDLTemperature
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) SDLTemperature *desiredTemperature;
var desiredTemperature: SDLTemperature? { get set }
Represents if AC is enabled.
Optional, Boolean
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber<SDLBool> *acEnable;
var acEnable: (NSNumber & SDLBool)? { get set }
Represents if circulation of air is enabled.
Optional, Boolean
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber<SDLBool> *circulateAirEnable;
var circulateAirEnable: (NSNumber & SDLBool)? { get set }
Represents if auto mode is enabled.
Optional, Boolean
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber<SDLBool> *autoModeEnable;
var autoModeEnable: (NSNumber & SDLBool)? { get set }
Represents the kind of defrost zone.
Optional, SDLDefrostZone
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) SDLDefrostZone defrostZone;
var defrostZone: SDLDefrostZone? { get set }
Represents if dual mode is enabled.
Optional, Boolean
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber<SDLBool> *dualModeEnable;
var dualModeEnable: (NSNumber & SDLBool)? { get set }
Represents if ac max is enabled.
Optional, Boolean
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber<SDLBool> *acMaxEnable;
var acMaxEnable: (NSNumber & SDLBool)? { get set }
Represents the kind of Ventilation zone.
Optional, SDLVentilationMode
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) SDLVentilationMode ventilationMode;
var ventilationMode: SDLVentilationMode? { get set }
@abstract value false means disabled/turn off, value true means enabled/turn on.
Optional, Boolean
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber<SDLBool> *heatedSteeringWheelEnable;
var heatedSteeringWheelEnable: (NSNumber & SDLBool)? { get set }
@abstract value false means disabled, value true means enabled.
Optional, Boolean
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber<SDLBool> *heatedWindshieldEnable;
var heatedWindshieldEnable: (NSNumber & SDLBool)? { get set }
@abstract value false means disabled, value true means enabled.
Optional, Boolean
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber<SDLBool> *heatedRearWindowEnable;
var heatedRearWindowEnable: (NSNumber & SDLBool)? { get set }
@abstract Value false means disabled, value true means enabled.
Optional, Boolean
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber<SDLBool> *heatedMirrorsEnable;
var heatedMirrorsEnable: (NSNumber & SDLBool)? { get set }
@abstract Value false means disabled, value true means enabled.
Optional, Boolean
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber<SDLBool> *climateEnable;
var climateEnable: (NSNumber & SDLBool)? { get set }