A selectable item within an SDLChoiceSet
Maps to Choice.menuName. The primary text of the cell. Duplicates within an SDLChoiceSet
are not permitted and will result in the SDLChoiceSet
failing to initialize.
@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) NSString *_Nonnull text;
var text: String { get }
Maps to Choice.secondaryText. Optional secondary text of the cell, if available. Duplicates within an SDLChoiceSet
are permitted.
@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly, nullable) NSString *secondaryText;
var secondaryText: String? { get }
Maps to Choice.tertiaryText. Optional tertitary text of the cell, if available. Duplicates within an SDLChoiceSet
are permitted.
@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly, nullable) NSString *tertiaryText;
var tertiaryText: String? { get }
Maps to Choice.vrCommands. Optional voice commands the user can speak to activate the cell. If not set and the head unit requires it, this will be set to the number in the list that this item appears. However, this would be a very poor experience for a user if the choice set is presented as a voice only interaction or both interaction mode. Therefore, consider not setting this only when you know the choice set will be presented as a touch only interaction.
@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly, nullable) NSArray<NSString *> *voiceCommands;
var voiceCommands: [String]? { get }
Maps to Choice.image. Optional image for the cell. This will be uploaded before the cell is used when the cell is preloaded or presented for the first time.
@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) SDLArtwork *artwork;
var artwork: SDLArtwork? { get }
Maps to Choice.secondaryImage. Optional secondary image for the cell. This will be uploaded before the cell is used when the cell is preloaded or presented for the first time.
@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) SDLArtwork *secondaryArtwork;
var secondaryArtwork: SDLArtwork? { get }
Primary text of the cell to be displayed on the module. Used to distinguish cells with the same text
but other fields are different. This is autogenerated by the screen manager. Attempting to use cells that are exactly the same (all text and artwork fields are the same) will not cause this to be used. This will not be used when connected to modules supporting RPC 7.1+.
@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSString *_Nonnull uniqueText;
var uniqueText: String { get }
Initialize the cell with nothing. This is unavailable
- (nonnull instancetype)init;
A crash, probably
Initialize the cell with text and nothing else.
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithText:(nonnull NSString *)text;
init(text: String)
The primary text of the cell.
The cell
Initialize the cell with text, optional artwork, and optional voice commands
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithText:(nonnull NSString *)text
artwork:(nullable SDLArtwork *)artwork
(nullable NSArray<NSString *> *)voiceCommands;
init(text: String, artwork: SDLArtwork?, voiceCommands: [String]?)
The primary text of the cell
The primary artwork of the cell
Strings that can be spoken by the user to activate this cell in a voice or both interaction mode
The cell
Initialize the cell with all optional items
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithText:(nonnull NSString *)text
secondaryText:(nullable NSString *)secondaryText
tertiaryText:(nullable NSString *)tertiaryText
(nullable NSArray<NSString *> *)voiceCommands
artwork:(nullable SDLArtwork *)artwork
secondaryArtwork:(nullable SDLArtwork *)secondaryArtwork;
init(text: String, secondaryText: String?, tertiaryText: String?, voiceCommands: [String]?, artwork: SDLArtwork?, secondaryArtwork: SDLArtwork?)
The primary text
The secondary text
The tertiary text
Strings that can be spoken by the user to activate this cell in a voice or both interaction mode
The primary artwork
The secondary artwork
The cell