Used to dismiss a modal view programmatically without needing to wait for the timeout to complete. Can be used to dismiss alerts, scrollable messages, sliders, and perform interactions (i.e. pop-up menus).
SDLAlert, SDLScrollableMessage, SDLSlider, SDLPerformInteractionConvenience init for dismissing the currently presented modal view (either an alert, slider, scrollable message, or perform interaction).
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithFunctionID:(UInt32)functionID;
init(functionID: UInt32)
The ID of the type of modal view to dismiss
A SDLCancelInteraction object
Convenience init for dismissing a specific view.
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithFunctionID:(UInt32)functionID
init(functionID: UInt32, cancelID: UInt32)
The ID of the type of interaction to dismiss
The ID of the specific interaction to dismiss
A SDLCancelInteraction object
Convenience init for dismissing an alert.
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithAlertCancelID:(UInt32)cancelID;
init(alertCancelID cancelID: UInt32)
The ID of the specific interaction to dismiss
A SDLCancelInteraction object
Convenience init for dismissing a slider.
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithSliderCancelID:(UInt32)cancelID;
init(sliderCancelID cancelID: UInt32)
The ID of the specific interaction to dismiss
A SDLCancelInteraction object
Convenience init for dismissing a scrollable message.
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithScrollableMessageCancelID:(UInt32)cancelID;
init(scrollableMessageCancelID cancelID: UInt32)
The ID of the specific interaction to dismiss
A SDLCancelInteraction object
Convenience init for dismissing a perform interaction.
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithPerformInteractionCancelID:(UInt32)cancelID;
init(performInteractionCancelID cancelID: UInt32)
The ID of the specific interaction to dismiss
A SDLCancelInteraction object
Convenience init for dismissing a subtle alert.
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithSubtleAlertCancelID:(UInt32)cancelID;
init(subtleAlertCancelID cancelID: UInt32)
The ID of the specific subtle alert to dismiss
A SDLCancelInteraction object
Convenience init for dismissing the currently presented alert.
+ (nonnull instancetype)alert;
class func alert() -> Self
A SDLCancelInteraction object
Convenience init for dismissing the currently presented slider.
+ (nonnull instancetype)slider;
class func slider() -> Self
A SDLCancelInteraction object
Convenience init for dismissing the currently presented scrollable message.
+ (nonnull instancetype)scrollableMessage;
class func scrollableMessage() -> Self
A SDLCancelInteraction object
Convenience init for dismissing the currently presented perform interaction.
+ (nonnull instancetype)performInteraction;
class func performInteraction() -> Self
A SDLCancelInteraction object
Convenience init for dismissing the currently presented subtle alert.
+ (nonnull instancetype)subtleAlert;
class func subtleAlert() -> Self
A SDLCancelInteraction object
The ID of the specific interaction to dismiss. If not set, the most recent of the RPC type set in functionID will be dismissed.
Integer, Optional
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber<SDLInt> *cancelID;
var cancelID: (NSNumber & SDLInt)? { get set }
The ID of the type of interaction to dismiss.
The ID of the type of interaction the developer wants to dismiss. Only values 10, (PerformInteractionID), 12 (AlertID), 25 (ScrollableMessageID), 26 (SliderID), and 64 (SubtleAlertID) are permitted.
Integer, Required
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSNumber<SDLInt> *_Nonnull functionID;
var functionID: NSNumber & SDLInt { get set }