Provides information about the capabilities of a SDL HMI button.
@since SDL 1.0
@property (nonatomic, strong) SDLButtonName _Nonnull name;
var name: SDLButtonName { get set }
A NSNumber value indicates whether the button supports a SHORT press
Required, Boolean
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSNumber<SDLBool> *_Nonnull shortPressAvailable;
var shortPressAvailable: NSNumber & SDLBool { get set }
A NSNumber value indicates whether the button supports a LONG press
Required, Boolean
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSNumber<SDLBool> *_Nonnull longPressAvailable;
var longPressAvailable: NSNumber & SDLBool { get set }
A NSNumber value indicates whether the button supports “button down” and “button up”
Required, Boolean
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSNumber<SDLBool> *_Nonnull upDownAvailable;
var upDownAvailable: NSNumber & SDLBool { get set }
Information about a RC module, including its id.
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) SDLModuleInfo *moduleInfo;
var moduleInfo: SDLModuleInfo? { get set }