Includes information about a given audio file
If initialized with a file URL, the file URL it came from
@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly, nullable) NSURL *inputFileURL;
var inputFileURL: URL? { get }
If initialized with a file URL, where the transcoder should produce the transcoded PCM audio file
@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly, nullable) NSURL *outputFileURL;
var outputFileURL: URL? { get }
In seconds. UINT32_MAX if unknown.
@property (nonatomic) UInt32 estimatedDuration;
var estimatedDuration: UInt32 { get set }
The PCM audio data to be transferred and played
@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) NSData *_Nonnull data;
var data: Data { get }
The size of the PCM audio data in bytes
@property (nonatomic, readonly) unsigned long long fileSize;
var fileSize: UInt64 { get }
Initialize an audio file to be queued and played
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithInputFileURL:(nonnull NSURL *)inputURL
outputFileURL:(nonnull NSURL *)outputURL
init(inputFileURL inputURL: URL, outputFileURL outputURL: URL, estimatedDuration duration: UInt32)
The file that exists on the device to be transcoded and queued
The target URL that the transcoded file will be output to
The duration of the file
The audio file object
Initialize a buffer of PCM audio data to be queued and played
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithData:(nonnull NSData *)data;
init(data: Data)
The PCM audio data buffer
The audio file object