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iOS Documentation

SDLArtwork Class Reference

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An SDLFile subclass specifically designed for images


Describes whether or not the image is a template that can be (re)colored by the SDL HMI. To make the artwork a template, set the UIImages rendering mode to UIImageRenderingModeAlwaysTemplate. In order for templates to work successfully, the icon must be one solid color with a clear background. The artwork should be created using the PNG image format.

@discussion An image should be templated if it is intended to be used as an icon in a button or menu.


@property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL isTemplate;


var isTemplate: Bool { get }


The Image RPC representing this artwork. Generally for use internally, you should instead pass an artwork to a Screen Manager method.


@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) SDLImage *_Nonnull imageRPC;


var imageRPC: SDLImage { get }


Convenience helper to create an ephemeral artwork from an image.

This is an ephemeral file, it will not be persisted through sessions / ignition cycles. Any files that you do not know you will use in future sessions should be created through this method. For example, album / artist artwork should be ephemeral.

Persistent files should be created using persistentArtworkWithImage:name:asImageFormat:


It is strongly recommended to pass the file url using an SDLFile initializer instead of the image. If you pass the UIImage, it is loaded into memory, and will be dumped to a temporary file. This will create a duplicate file. Only pass a UIImage if the image is not stored on disk.


+ (nonnull instancetype)artworkWithImage:(nonnull UIImage *)image
                                    name:(nonnull NSString *)name



The UIImage to be sent to the remote head unit


The name of the file that will be used to reference the file in the future (for example on the remote file system). The max file name length may vary based on remote file system limitations.


Whether the image should be converted to a PNG or JPG before transmission. Images with transparency or few colors should be PNGs. Images with many colors should be JPGs.

Return Value

An instance of this class to be passed to the file manager.


Convenience helper to create an ephemeral artwork from an image. A unique name will be assigned to the image. This name is a string representation of the image’s data which is created by hashing the data using the MD5 algorithm.

This is an ephemeral file, it will not be persisted through sessions / ignition cycles. Any files that you do not know you will use in future sessions should be created through this method. For example, album / artist artwork should be ephemeral.

Persistent files should be created using persistentArtworkWithImage:name:asImageFormat:


It is strongly recommended to pass the file url using an SDLFile initializer instead of the image. If you pass the UIImage, it is loaded into memory, and will be dumped to a temporary file. This will create a duplicate file. Only pass a UIImage if the image is not stored on disk.


+ (nonnull instancetype)artworkWithImage:(nonnull UIImage *)image



The UIImage to be sent to the remote head unit


Whether the image should be converted to a PNG or JPG before transmission. Images with transparency or few colors should be PNGs. Images with many colors should be JPGs.

Return Value

An instance of this class to be passed to the file manager.


Create an SDLArtwork that represents a static icon. This can only be passed to the screen manager; passing this directly to the file manager will fail.


+ (nonnull instancetype)artworkWithStaticIcon:
    (nonnull SDLStaticIconName)staticIcon;



The static icon to be shown on the remote system.

Return Value

An instance of this class to be passed to a screen manager.


Convenience helper to create a persistent artwork from an image.

This is a persistent file, it will be persisted through sessions / ignition cycles. You will only have a limited space for all files, so be sure to only persist files that are required for all or most sessions. For example, menu artwork should be persistent.

Ephemeral files should be created using ephemeralArtworkWithImage:name:asImageFormat:


It is strongly recommended to pass the file url using an SDLFile initializer instead of the image. If you pass the UIImage, it is loaded into memory, and will be dumped to a temporary file. This will create a duplicate file. Only pass a UIImage if the image is not stored on disk.


+ (nonnull instancetype)persistentArtworkWithImage:(nonnull UIImage *)image
                                              name:(nonnull NSString *)name



The UIImage to be sent to the remote head unit


The name of the file that will be used to reference the file in the future (for example on the remote file system). The max file name length may vary based on remote file system limitations.


Whether the image should be converted to a PNG or JPG before transmission. Images with transparency or few colors should be PNGs. Images with many colors should be JPGs.

Return Value

An instance of this class to be passed to the file manager.


Convenience helper to create a persistent artwork from an image. A unique name will be assigned to the image. This name is a string representation of the image’s data which is created by hashing the data using the MD5 algorithm.

This is a persistent file, it will be persisted through sessions / ignition cycles. You will only have a limited space for all files, so be sure to only persist files that are required for all or most sessions. For example, menu artwork should be persistent.

Ephemeral files should be created using ephemeralArtworkWithImage:name:asImageFormat:


It is strongly recommended to pass the file url using an SDLFile initializer instead of the image. If you pass the UIImage, it is loaded into memory, and will be dumped to a temporary file. This will create a duplicate file. Only pass a UIImage if the image is not stored on disk.


+ (nonnull instancetype)persistentArtworkWithImage:(nonnull UIImage *)image



The UIImage to be sent to the remote head unit


Whether the image should be converted to a PNG or JPG before transmission. Images with transparency or few colors should be PNGs. Images with many colors should be JPGs.

Return Value

An instance of this class to be passed to the file manager.


Create a file for transmission to the remote system from a UIImage.


- (nonnull instancetype)initWithImage:(nonnull UIImage *)image
                                 name:(nonnull NSString *)name


init(image: UIImage, name: String, persistent: Bool, as imageFormat: SDLArtworkImageFormat)



The UIImage to be sent to the remote head unit


The name of the file that will be used to reference the file in the future (for example on the remote file system). The max file name length may vary based on remote file system limitations.


Whether or not the artwork should be persistent.


Whether the image should be converted to a PNG or JPG before transmission. Images with transparency or few colors should be PNGs. Images with many colors should be JPGs.

Return Value

An instance of this class to be passed to the file manager.


Create a file for transmission to the remote system from a UIImage. A unique name will be assigned to the image. This name is a string representation of the image’s data which is created by hashing the data using the MD5 algorithm.


- (nonnull instancetype)initWithImage:(nonnull UIImage *)image


init(image: UIImage, persistent: Bool, as imageFormat: SDLArtworkImageFormat)



The UIImage to be sent to the remote head unit


Whether or not the artwork should be persistent.


Whether the image should be converted to a PNG or JPG before transmission. Images with transparency or few colors should be PNGs. Images with many colors should be JPGs.

Return Value

An instance of this class to be passed to the file manager.


Create an SDLArtwork that represents a static icon. This can only be passed to the screen manager; passing this directly to the file manager will fail.


- (nonnull instancetype)initWithStaticIcon:
    (nonnull SDLStaticIconName)staticIcon;


init(staticIcon: SDLStaticIconName)



The static icon to be shown on the remote system.

Return Value

An instance of this class to be passed to a screen manager.

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