Shows a SDLShowConstantTBT message with an optional voice command. This message is shown as an overlay over the display’s base screen.
@since SmartDeviceLink 1.0
Convenience init to create an alert maneuver with required parameters
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithTTS:(nullable NSString *)ttsText
(nullable NSArray<SDLSoftButton *> *)softButtons;
init(tts ttsText: String?, softButtons: [SDLSoftButton]?)
The text to speak
An array of soft buttons
An SDLAlertManeuver object
Convenience init to create an alert maneuver with all parameters
- (nonnull instancetype)
initWithTTSChunks:(nullable NSArray<SDLTTSChunk *> *)ttsChunks
softButtons:(nullable NSArray<SDLSoftButton *> *)softButtons;
init(ttsChunks: [SDLTTSChunk]?, softButtons: [SDLSoftButton]?)
An array of text chunks
An array of soft buttons
An SDLAlertManeuver object
An array of text chunks.
Optional, Array of SDLTTSChunk, Array length 1 - 100
SDLTTSChunk@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSArray<SDLTTSChunk *> *ttsChunks;
var ttsChunks: [SDLTTSChunk]? { get set }
An array of soft buttons. If omitted on supported displays, only the system defined “Close” SoftButton shall be displayed.
Optional, Array of SDLSoftButton, Array length 0 - 3
SDLSoftButton@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSArray<SDLSoftButton *> *softButtons;
var softButtons: [SDLSoftButton]? { get set }