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SisData Class Reference


Instance Methods


new SisData(parameters)

Initializes an instance of SisData.

Instance Methods

sisData.getStationIDNumber() ⇒ StationIDNumber

Get the StationIDNumber

Kind: Instance method of SisData
Returns: StationIDNumber - the KEY_STATION_IDNUMBER value

sisData.getStationLocation() ⇒ GPSData

Get the StationLocation

Kind: Instance method of SisData
Returns: GPSData - the KEY_STATION_LOCATION value

sisData.getStationLongName() ⇒ String

Get the StationLongName

Kind: Instance method of SisData
Returns: String - the KEY_STATION_LONG_NAME value

sisData.getStationMessage() ⇒ String

Get the StationMessage

Kind: Instance method of SisData
Returns: String - the KEY_STATION_MESSAGE value

sisData.getStationShortName() ⇒ String

Get the StationShortName

Kind: Instance method of SisData
Returns: String - the KEY_STATION_SHORT_NAME value

sisData.setStationIDNumber(number) ⇒ SisData

Set the StationIDNumber

Kind: Instance method of SisData
Returns: SisData - The class instance for method chaining.

number StationIDNumber Used for network Application. Consists of Country Code and FCC Facility ID. - The desired StationIDNumber.

sisData.setStationLocation(location) ⇒ SisData

Set the StationLocation

Kind: Instance method of SisData
Returns: SisData - The class instance for method chaining.

location GPSData Provides the 3-dimensional geographic station location. - The desired StationLocation.

sisData.setStationLongName(name) ⇒ SisData

Set the StationLongName

Kind: Instance method of SisData
Returns: SisData - The class instance for method chaining.

name String Identifies the station call sign or other identifying information in the long format. - The desired StationLongName. {'string_min_length': 0, 'string_max_length': 56}

sisData.setStationMessage(message) ⇒ SisData

Set the StationMessage

Kind: Instance method of SisData
Returns: SisData - The class instance for method chaining.

message String May be used to convey textual information of general interest to the consumer such as weather forecasts or public service announcements. Includes a high priority delivery feature to convey emergencies that may be in the listening area. - The desired StationMessage. {'string_min_length': 0, 'string_max_length': 56}

sisData.setStationShortName(name) ⇒ SisData

Set the StationShortName

Kind: Instance method of SisData
Returns: SisData - The class instance for method chaining.

name String Identifies the 4-alpha-character station call sign plus an optional (-FM) extension - The desired StationShortName. {'string_min_length': 4, 'string_max_length': 7}
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