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JavaScript Suite Documentation

DynamicMenuUpdatesMode Class Reference


Static Members


new DynamicMenuUpdatesMode()

Constructor for DynamicMenuUpdatesMode.

Static Members

DynamicMenuUpdatesMode.FORCE_OFF ⇒ String

FORCE_OFF: Forces off compatibility mode. This will force the menu manager to delete and re-add each menu item for every menu update. This mode is generally not advised due to performance issues.

Kind: Static property of DynamicMenuUpdatesMode
Returns: String - The enum value.

DynamicMenuUpdatesMode.FORCE_ON ⇒ String

FORCE_ON: This mode forces the menu manager to always dynamically update menu items for each menu update. This will provide the best performance but may cause ordering issues on some SYNC Gen 3 head units.

Kind: Static property of DynamicMenuUpdatesMode
Returns: String - The enum value.

DynamicMenuUpdatesMode.ON_WITH_COMPAT_MODE ⇒ String

ON_WITH_COMPAT_MODE: This mode checks whether the phone is connected to a SYNC Gen 3 head unit, which has known menu ordering issues. If it is, it will always delete and re-add every menu item, if not, it will dynamically update the menus.

Kind: Static property of DynamicMenuUpdatesMode
Returns: String - The enum value.

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