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RpcStruct Class Reference


Instance Methods


new RpcStruct(parameters)

Initializes an instance of RpcStruct.

Instance Methods

rpcStruct.getObject(tClass, key) ⇒ [*, null]

Fetch the value assigned to a given parameter key, coerced to a target class.

Kind: Instance method of RpcStruct
Returns: [*, null] - The value in the desired primitive or instantiated format, otherwise null.

tClass function A class to instantiate the value into.
key String The key of the parameter to retrieve.

rpcStruct.getParameter(key) ⇒ [*, null]

Get a single parameter value by its key.

Kind: Instance method of RpcStruct
Returns: [*, null] - The value of the parameter. Null if not defined.

key String The key of the parameter value to retrieve.

rpcStruct.getParameters() ⇒ Object

Get the parameters object.

Kind: Instance method of RpcStruct
Returns: Object - An object map of parameters.

rpcStruct.setParameter(key, value) ⇒ RpcStruct

Set a parameter value for a given key.

Kind: Instance method of RpcStruct
Returns: RpcStruct - A reference to this instance to support method chaining.

key String The key to store the value under.
value * The value to associate with the key.
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