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SetMediaClockTimer Class Reference


Instance Methods


new SetMediaClockTimer(parameters)

Initializes an instance of SetMediaClockTimer.

Instance Methods

setMediaClockTimer.getAudioStreamingIndicator() ⇒ AudioStreamingIndicator

Get the AudioStreamingIndicator

Kind: Instance method of SetMediaClockTimer
Returns: AudioStreamingIndicator - the KEY_AUDIO_STREAMING_INDICATOR value

setMediaClockTimer.getBackSeekIndicator() ⇒ SeekStreamingIndicator

Get the BackSeekIndicator

Kind: Instance method of SetMediaClockTimer
Returns: SeekStreamingIndicator - the KEY_BACK_SEEK_INDICATOR value

setMediaClockTimer.getCountRate() ⇒ Number

Get the CountRate

Kind: Instance method of SetMediaClockTimer
Returns: Number - the KEY_COUNT_RATE value

setMediaClockTimer.getEndTime() ⇒ StartTime

Get the EndTime

Kind: Instance method of SetMediaClockTimer
Returns: StartTime - the KEY_END_TIME value

setMediaClockTimer.getForwardSeekIndicator() ⇒ SeekStreamingIndicator

Get the ForwardSeekIndicator

Kind: Instance method of SetMediaClockTimer
Returns: SeekStreamingIndicator - the KEY_FORWARD_SEEK_INDICATOR value

setMediaClockTimer.getStartTime() ⇒ StartTime

Get the StartTime

Kind: Instance method of SetMediaClockTimer
Returns: StartTime - the KEY_START_TIME value

setMediaClockTimer.getUpdateMode() ⇒ UpdateMode

Get the UpdateMode

Kind: Instance method of SetMediaClockTimer
Returns: UpdateMode - the KEY_UPDATE_MODE value

setMediaClockTimer.setAudioStreamingIndicator(indicator) ⇒ SetMediaClockTimer

Set the AudioStreamingIndicator

Kind: Instance method of SetMediaClockTimer
Returns: SetMediaClockTimer - The class instance for method chaining.

indicator AudioStreamingIndicator Enumeration for the indicator icon on a play/pause button. see AudioStreamingIndicator. - The desired AudioStreamingIndicator.

setMediaClockTimer.setBackSeekIndicator(indicator) ⇒ SetMediaClockTimer

Set the BackSeekIndicator

Kind: Instance method of SetMediaClockTimer
Returns: SetMediaClockTimer - The class instance for method chaining.

indicator SeekStreamingIndicator Used to control the back seek button to either skip back a set amount of time or to the previous track. - The desired BackSeekIndicator.

setMediaClockTimer.setCountRate(rate) ⇒ SetMediaClockTimer

Set the CountRate

Kind: Instance method of SetMediaClockTimer
Returns: SetMediaClockTimer - The class instance for method chaining.

rate Number The value of this parameter is the amount that the media clock timer will advance per 1.0 seconds of real time. Values less than 1.0 will therefore advance the timer slower than real-time, while values greater than 1.0 will advance the timer faster than real-time. e.g. If this parameter is set to `0.5`, the timer will advance one second per two seconds real-time, or at 50% speed. If this parameter is set to `2.0`, the timer will advance two seconds per one second real-time, or at 200% speed. - The desired CountRate. {'default_value': 1.0, 'num_min_value': 0.1, 'num_max_value': 100.0}

setMediaClockTimer.setEndTime(time) ⇒ SetMediaClockTimer

Set the EndTime

Kind: Instance method of SetMediaClockTimer
Returns: SetMediaClockTimer - The class instance for method chaining.

time StartTime See StartTime. endTime can be provided for "COUNTUP" and "COUNTDOWN"; to be used to calculate any visual progress bar (if not provided, this feature is ignored) If endTime is greater than startTime for COUNTDOWN or less than startTime for COUNTUP, then the request will return an INVALID_DATA. endTime will be ignored for "RESUME", and "CLEAR" endTime can be sent for "PAUSE", in which case it will update the paused endTime - The desired EndTime.

setMediaClockTimer.setForwardSeekIndicator(indicator) ⇒ SetMediaClockTimer

Set the ForwardSeekIndicator

Kind: Instance method of SetMediaClockTimer
Returns: SetMediaClockTimer - The class instance for method chaining.

indicator SeekStreamingIndicator Used to control the forward seek button to either skip forward a set amount of time or to the next track. - The desired ForwardSeekIndicator.

setMediaClockTimer.setStartTime(time) ⇒ SetMediaClockTimer

Set the StartTime

Kind: Instance method of SetMediaClockTimer
Returns: SetMediaClockTimer - The class instance for method chaining.

time StartTime See StartTime. startTime must be provided for "COUNTUP" and "COUNTDOWN". startTime will be ignored for "RESUME", and "CLEAR" startTime can be sent for "PAUSE", in which case it will update the paused startTime - The desired StartTime.

setMediaClockTimer.setUpdateMode(mode) ⇒ SetMediaClockTimer

Set the UpdateMode

Kind: Instance method of SetMediaClockTimer
Returns: SetMediaClockTimer - The class instance for method chaining.

mode UpdateMode Enumeration to control the media clock. In case of pause, resume, or clear, the start time value is ignored and shall be left out. For resume, the time continues with the same value as it was when paused. - The desired UpdateMode.
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