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SeatControlData Class Reference


Instance Methods


new SeatControlData(parameters)

Initializes an instance of SeatControlData.

Instance Methods

seatControlData.getBackTiltAngle() ⇒ Number

Get the BackTiltAngle

Kind: Instance method of SeatControlData
Returns: Number - the KEY_BACK_TILT_ANGLE value

seatControlData.getBackVerticalPosition() ⇒ Number

Get the BackVerticalPosition

Kind: Instance method of SeatControlData
Returns: Number - the KEY_BACK_VERTICAL_POSITION value

seatControlData.getCoolingEnabled() ⇒ Boolean

Get the CoolingEnabled

Kind: Instance method of SeatControlData
Returns: Boolean - the KEY_COOLING_ENABLED value

seatControlData.getCoolingLevel() ⇒ Number

Get the CoolingLevel

Kind: Instance method of SeatControlData
Returns: Number - the KEY_COOLING_LEVEL value

seatControlData.getFrontVerticalPosition() ⇒ Number

Get the FrontVerticalPosition

Kind: Instance method of SeatControlData
Returns: Number - the KEY_FRONT_VERTICAL_POSITION value

seatControlData.getHeadSupportHorizontalPosition() ⇒ Number

Get the HeadSupportHorizontalPosition

Kind: Instance method of SeatControlData

seatControlData.getHeadSupportVerticalPosition() ⇒ Number

Get the HeadSupportVerticalPosition

Kind: Instance method of SeatControlData

seatControlData.getHeatingEnabled() ⇒ Boolean

Get the HeatingEnabled

Kind: Instance method of SeatControlData
Returns: Boolean - the KEY_HEATING_ENABLED value

seatControlData.getHeatingLevel() ⇒ Number

Get the HeatingLevel

Kind: Instance method of SeatControlData
Returns: Number - the KEY_HEATING_LEVEL value

seatControlData.getHorizontalPosition() ⇒ Number

Get the HorizontalPosition

Kind: Instance method of SeatControlData
Returns: Number - the KEY_HORIZONTAL_POSITION value

seatControlData.getIdParam() ⇒ SupportedSeat

Get the IdParam

Kind: Instance method of SeatControlData
Returns: SupportedSeat - the KEY_ID value

seatControlData.getMassageCushionFirmness() ⇒ Array.<MassageCushionFirmness>

Get the MassageCushionFirmness

Kind: Instance method of SeatControlData
Returns: Array.<MassageCushionFirmness> - the KEY_MASSAGE_CUSHION_FIRMNESS value

seatControlData.getMassageEnabled() ⇒ Boolean

Get the MassageEnabled

Kind: Instance method of SeatControlData
Returns: Boolean - the KEY_MASSAGE_ENABLED value

seatControlData.getMassageMode() ⇒ Array.<MassageModeData>

Get the MassageMode

Kind: Instance method of SeatControlData
Returns: Array.<MassageModeData> - the KEY_MASSAGE_MODE value

seatControlData.getMemory() ⇒ SeatMemoryAction

Get the Memory

Kind: Instance method of SeatControlData
Returns: SeatMemoryAction - the KEY_MEMORY value

seatControlData.getVerticalPosition() ⇒ Number

Get the VerticalPosition

Kind: Instance method of SeatControlData
Returns: Number - the KEY_VERTICAL_POSITION value

seatControlData.setBackTiltAngle(angle) ⇒ SeatControlData

Set the BackTiltAngle

Kind: Instance method of SeatControlData
Returns: SeatControlData - The class instance for method chaining.

angle Number The desired BackTiltAngle. {'num_min_value': 0, 'num_max_value': 100}

seatControlData.setBackVerticalPosition(position) ⇒ SeatControlData

Set the BackVerticalPosition

Kind: Instance method of SeatControlData
Returns: SeatControlData - The class instance for method chaining.

position Number The desired BackVerticalPosition. {'num_min_value': 0, 'num_max_value': 100}

seatControlData.setCoolingEnabled(enabled) ⇒ SeatControlData

Set the CoolingEnabled

Kind: Instance method of SeatControlData
Returns: SeatControlData - The class instance for method chaining.

enabled Boolean The desired CoolingEnabled.

seatControlData.setCoolingLevel(level) ⇒ SeatControlData

Set the CoolingLevel

Kind: Instance method of SeatControlData
Returns: SeatControlData - The class instance for method chaining.

level Number The desired CoolingLevel. {'num_min_value': 0, 'num_max_value': 100}

seatControlData.setFrontVerticalPosition(position) ⇒ SeatControlData

Set the FrontVerticalPosition

Kind: Instance method of SeatControlData
Returns: SeatControlData - The class instance for method chaining.

position Number The desired FrontVerticalPosition. {'num_min_value': 0, 'num_max_value': 100}

seatControlData.setHeadSupportHorizontalPosition(position) ⇒ SeatControlData

Set the HeadSupportHorizontalPosition

Kind: Instance method of SeatControlData
Returns: SeatControlData - The class instance for method chaining.

position Number The desired HeadSupportHorizontalPosition. {'num_min_value': 0, 'num_max_value': 100}

seatControlData.setHeadSupportVerticalPosition(position) ⇒ SeatControlData

Set the HeadSupportVerticalPosition

Kind: Instance method of SeatControlData
Returns: SeatControlData - The class instance for method chaining.

position Number The desired HeadSupportVerticalPosition. {'num_min_value': 0, 'num_max_value': 100}

seatControlData.setHeatingEnabled(enabled) ⇒ SeatControlData

Set the HeatingEnabled

Kind: Instance method of SeatControlData
Returns: SeatControlData - The class instance for method chaining.

enabled Boolean The desired HeatingEnabled.

seatControlData.setHeatingLevel(level) ⇒ SeatControlData

Set the HeatingLevel

Kind: Instance method of SeatControlData
Returns: SeatControlData - The class instance for method chaining.

level Number The desired HeatingLevel. {'num_min_value': 0, 'num_max_value': 100}

seatControlData.setHorizontalPosition(position) ⇒ SeatControlData

Set the HorizontalPosition

Kind: Instance method of SeatControlData
Returns: SeatControlData - The class instance for method chaining.

position Number The desired HorizontalPosition. {'num_min_value': 0, 'num_max_value': 100}

seatControlData.setIdParam(id) ⇒ SeatControlData

Set the IdParam

Kind: Instance method of SeatControlData
Returns: SeatControlData - The class instance for method chaining.

id SupportedSeat List possible seats that is a remote controllable seat. - The desired IdParam.

seatControlData.setMassageCushionFirmness(firmness) ⇒ SeatControlData

Set the MassageCushionFirmness

Kind: Instance method of SeatControlData
Returns: SeatControlData - The class instance for method chaining.

firmness Array.<MassageCushionFirmness> The intensity or firmness of a cushion. - The desired MassageCushionFirmness. {'array_min_size': 1, 'array_max_size': 5}

seatControlData.setMassageEnabled(enabled) ⇒ SeatControlData

Set the MassageEnabled

Kind: Instance method of SeatControlData
Returns: SeatControlData - The class instance for method chaining.

enabled Boolean The desired MassageEnabled.

seatControlData.setMassageMode(mode) ⇒ SeatControlData

Set the MassageMode

Kind: Instance method of SeatControlData
Returns: SeatControlData - The class instance for method chaining.

mode Array.<MassageModeData> Specify the mode of a massage zone. - The desired MassageMode. {'array_min_size': 1, 'array_max_size': 2}

seatControlData.setMemory(memory) ⇒ SeatControlData

Set the Memory

Kind: Instance method of SeatControlData
Returns: SeatControlData - The class instance for method chaining.

memory SeatMemoryAction The desired Memory.

seatControlData.setVerticalPosition(position) ⇒ SeatControlData

Set the VerticalPosition

Kind: Instance method of SeatControlData
Returns: SeatControlData - The class instance for method chaining.

position Number The desired VerticalPosition. {'num_min_value': 0, 'num_max_value': 100}
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