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JavaScript Suite Documentation

Show Class Reference


Instance Methods


new Show(parameters)

Initializes an instance of Show.

Instance Methods

show.getAlignment() ⇒ TextAlignment

Get the Alignment

Kind: Instance method of Show
Returns: TextAlignment - the KEY_ALIGNMENT value

show.getCustomPresets() ⇒ Array.<String>

Get the CustomPresets

Kind: Instance method of Show
Returns: Array.<String> - the KEY_CUSTOM_PRESETS value

show.getGraphic() ⇒ Image

Get the Graphic

Kind: Instance method of Show
Returns: Image - the KEY_GRAPHIC value

show.getMainField1() ⇒ String

Get the MainField1

Kind: Instance method of Show
Returns: String - the KEY_MAIN_FIELD_1 value

show.getMainField2() ⇒ String

Get the MainField2

Kind: Instance method of Show
Returns: String - the KEY_MAIN_FIELD_2 value

show.getMainField3() ⇒ String

Get the MainField3

Kind: Instance method of Show
Returns: String - the KEY_MAIN_FIELD_3 value

show.getMainField4() ⇒ String

Get the MainField4

Kind: Instance method of Show
Returns: String - the KEY_MAIN_FIELD_4 value

show.getMediaClock() ⇒ String

Get the MediaClock

Kind: Instance method of Show
Returns: String - the KEY_MEDIA_CLOCK value

show.getMediaTrack() ⇒ String

Get the MediaTrack

Kind: Instance method of Show
Returns: String - the KEY_MEDIA_TRACK value

show.getMetadataTags() ⇒ MetadataTags

Get the MetadataTags

Kind: Instance method of Show
Returns: MetadataTags - the KEY_METADATA_TAGS value

show.getSecondaryGraphic() ⇒ Image

Get the SecondaryGraphic

Kind: Instance method of Show
Returns: Image - the KEY_SECONDARY_GRAPHIC value

show.getSoftButtons() ⇒ Array.<SoftButton>

Get the SoftButtons

Kind: Instance method of Show
Returns: Array.<SoftButton> - the KEY_SOFT_BUTTONS value

show.getStatusBar() ⇒ String

Get the StatusBar

Kind: Instance method of Show
Returns: String - the KEY_STATUS_BAR value

show.getTemplateConfiguration() ⇒ TemplateConfiguration

Get the TemplateConfiguration

Kind: Instance method of Show
Returns: TemplateConfiguration - the KEY_TEMPLATE_CONFIGURATION value

show.getTemplateTitle() ⇒ String

Get the TemplateTitle

Kind: Instance method of Show
Returns: String - the KEY_TEMPLATE_TITLE value

show.getWindowID() ⇒ Number

Get the WindowID

Kind: Instance method of Show
Returns: Number - the KEY_WINDOW_ID value

show.setAlignment(alignment) ⇒ Show

Set the Alignment

Kind: Instance method of Show
Returns: Show - The class instance for method chaining.

alignment TextAlignment Specifies how mainField1 and mainField2 texts should be aligned on display. If omitted, texts will be centered. - The desired Alignment.

show.setCustomPresets(presets) ⇒ Show

Set the CustomPresets

Kind: Instance method of Show
Returns: Show - The class instance for method chaining.

presets Array.<String> App labeled on-screen presets (i.e. on-screen media presets or dynamic search suggestions). If omitted on supported displays, the presets will be shown as not defined. - The desired CustomPresets. {'array_min_size': 0, 'array_max_size': 10, 'string_min_length': 1, 'string_max_length': 500}

show.setGraphic(graphic) ⇒ Show

Set the Graphic

Kind: Instance method of Show
Returns: Show - The class instance for method chaining.

graphic Image Image struct determining whether static or dynamic image to display in app. If omitted on supported displays, the displayed graphic shall not change. - The desired Graphic.

show.setMainField1(field1) ⇒ Show

Set the MainField1

Kind: Instance method of Show
Returns: Show - The class instance for method chaining.

field1 String The text that should be displayed in a single or upper display line. If this text is not set, the text of mainField1 stays unchanged. If this text is empty "", the field will be cleared. - The desired MainField1. {'string_min_length': 0, 'string_max_length': 500}

show.setMainField2(field2) ⇒ Show

Set the MainField2

Kind: Instance method of Show
Returns: Show - The class instance for method chaining.

field2 String The text that should be displayed on the second display line. If this text is not set, the text of mainField2 stays unchanged. If this text is empty "", the field will be cleared. - The desired MainField2. {'string_min_length': 0, 'string_max_length': 500}

show.setMainField3(field3) ⇒ Show

Set the MainField3

Kind: Instance method of Show
Returns: Show - The class instance for method chaining.

field3 String The text that should be displayed on the second "page" first display line. If this text is not set, the text of mainField3 stays unchanged. If this text is empty "", the field will be cleared. - The desired MainField3. {'string_min_length': 0, 'string_max_length': 500}

show.setMainField4(field4) ⇒ Show

Set the MainField4

Kind: Instance method of Show
Returns: Show - The class instance for method chaining.

field4 String The text that should be displayed on the second "page" second display line. If this text is not set, the text of mainField4 stays unchanged. If this text is empty "", the field will be cleared. - The desired MainField4. {'string_min_length': 0, 'string_max_length': 500}

show.setMediaClock(clock) ⇒ Show

Set the MediaClock

Kind: Instance method of Show
Returns: Show - The class instance for method chaining.

clock String Text value for MediaClock field. Has to be properly formatted by Mobile App according to the module's capabilities. If this text is set, any automatic media clock updates previously set with SetMediaClockTimer will be stopped. - The desired MediaClock. {'string_min_length': 0, 'string_max_length': 500}

show.setMediaTrack(track) ⇒ Show

Set the MediaTrack

Kind: Instance method of Show
Returns: Show - The class instance for method chaining.

track String The text that should be displayed in the track field. If this text is not set, the text of mediaTrack stays unchanged. If this text is empty "", the field will be cleared. - The desired MediaTrack. {'string_min_length': 0, 'string_max_length': 500}

show.setMetadataTags(tags) ⇒ Show

Set the MetadataTags

Kind: Instance method of Show
Returns: Show - The class instance for method chaining.

tags MetadataTags App defined metadata information. See MetadataStruct. Uses mainField1, mainField2, mainField3, mainField4. If omitted on supported displays, the currently set metadata tags will not change. If any text field contains no tags or the none tag, the metadata tag for that textfield should be removed. - The desired MetadataTags.

show.setSecondaryGraphic(graphic) ⇒ Show

Set the SecondaryGraphic

Kind: Instance method of Show
Returns: Show - The class instance for method chaining.

graphic Image Image struct determining whether static or dynamic secondary image to display in app. If omitted on supported displays, the displayed secondary graphic shall not change. - The desired SecondaryGraphic.

show.setSoftButtons(buttons) ⇒ Show

Set the SoftButtons

Kind: Instance method of Show
Returns: Show - The class instance for method chaining.

buttons Array.<SoftButton> App defined SoftButtons. If omitted on supported displays, the currently displayed SoftButton values will not change. - The desired SoftButtons. {'array_min_size': 0, 'array_max_size': 8}

show.setStatusBar(bar) ⇒ Show

Set the StatusBar

Kind: Instance method of Show
Returns: Show - The class instance for method chaining.

bar String Requires investigation regarding the nav display capabilities. Potentially lower lowerStatusBar, upperStatusBar, titleBar, etc. - The desired StatusBar. {'string_min_length': 0, 'string_max_length': 500}

show.setTemplateConfiguration(configuration) ⇒ Show

Set the TemplateConfiguration

Kind: Instance method of Show
Returns: Show - The class instance for method chaining.

configuration TemplateConfiguration Used to set an alternate template layout to a window. - The desired TemplateConfiguration.

show.setTemplateTitle(title) ⇒ Show

Set the TemplateTitle

Kind: Instance method of Show
Returns: Show - The class instance for method chaining.

title String The title of the new template that will be displayed. How this will be displayed is dependent on the OEM design and implementation of the template. - The desired TemplateTitle. {'string_min_length': 0, 'string_max_length': 100}

show.setWindowID(id) ⇒ Show

Set the WindowID

Kind: Instance method of Show
Returns: Show - The class instance for method chaining.

id Number This is the unique ID assigned to the window that this RPC is intended. If this param is not included, it will be assumed that this request is specifically for the main window on the main display. See PredefinedWindows enum. - The desired WindowID.
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