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JavaScript Suite Documentation

SystemCapability Class Reference


Instance Methods


new SystemCapability(parameters)

Initializes an instance of SystemCapability.

Instance Methods

systemCapability.getAppServicesCapabilities() ⇒ AppServicesCapabilities

Get the AppServicesCapabilities

Kind: Instance method of SystemCapability
Returns: AppServicesCapabilities - the KEY_APP_SERVICES_CAPABILITIES value

systemCapability.getDisplayCapabilities() ⇒ Array.<DisplayCapability>

Get the DisplayCapabilities

Kind: Instance method of SystemCapability
Returns: Array.<DisplayCapability> - the KEY_DISPLAY_CAPABILITIES value

systemCapability.getDriverDistractionCapability() ⇒ DriverDistractionCapability

Get the DriverDistractionCapability

Kind: Instance method of SystemCapability
Returns: DriverDistractionCapability - the KEY_DRIVER_DISTRACTION_CAPABILITY value

systemCapability.getNavigationCapability() ⇒ NavigationCapability

Get the NavigationCapability

Kind: Instance method of SystemCapability
Returns: NavigationCapability - the KEY_NAVIGATION_CAPABILITY value

systemCapability.getPhoneCapability() ⇒ PhoneCapability

Get the PhoneCapability

Kind: Instance method of SystemCapability
Returns: PhoneCapability - the KEY_PHONE_CAPABILITY value

systemCapability.getRemoteControlCapability() ⇒ RemoteControlCapabilities

Get the RemoteControlCapability

Kind: Instance method of SystemCapability
Returns: RemoteControlCapabilities - the KEY_REMOTE_CONTROL_CAPABILITY value

systemCapability.getSeatLocationCapability() ⇒ SeatLocationCapability

Get the SeatLocationCapability

Kind: Instance method of SystemCapability
Returns: SeatLocationCapability - the KEY_SEAT_LOCATION_CAPABILITY value

systemCapability.getSystemCapabilityType() ⇒ SystemCapabilityType

Get the SystemCapabilityType

Kind: Instance method of SystemCapability
Returns: SystemCapabilityType - the KEY_SYSTEM_CAPABILITY_TYPE value

systemCapability.getVideoStreamingCapability() ⇒ VideoStreamingCapability

Get the VideoStreamingCapability

Kind: Instance method of SystemCapability
Returns: VideoStreamingCapability - the KEY_VIDEO_STREAMING_CAPABILITY value

systemCapability.setAppServicesCapabilities(capabilities) ⇒ SystemCapability

Set the AppServicesCapabilities

Kind: Instance method of SystemCapability
Returns: SystemCapability - The class instance for method chaining.

capabilities AppServicesCapabilities An array of currently available services. If this is an update to the capability the affected services will include an update reason in that item - The desired AppServicesCapabilities.

systemCapability.setDisplayCapabilities(capabilities) ⇒ SystemCapability

Set the DisplayCapabilities

Kind: Instance method of SystemCapability
Returns: SystemCapability - The class instance for method chaining.

capabilities Array.<DisplayCapability> The desired DisplayCapabilities. {'array_min_size': 1, 'array_max_size': 1000}

systemCapability.setDriverDistractionCapability(capability) ⇒ SystemCapability

Set the DriverDistractionCapability

Kind: Instance method of SystemCapability
Returns: SystemCapability - The class instance for method chaining.

capability DriverDistractionCapability Describes capabilities when the driver is distracted - The desired DriverDistractionCapability.

systemCapability.setNavigationCapability(capability) ⇒ SystemCapability

Set the NavigationCapability

Kind: Instance method of SystemCapability
Returns: SystemCapability - The class instance for method chaining.

capability NavigationCapability Describes extended capabilities for onboard navigation system - The desired NavigationCapability.

systemCapability.setPhoneCapability(capability) ⇒ SystemCapability

Set the PhoneCapability

Kind: Instance method of SystemCapability
Returns: SystemCapability - The class instance for method chaining.

capability PhoneCapability Describes extended capabilities of the module's phone feature - The desired PhoneCapability.

systemCapability.setRemoteControlCapability(capability) ⇒ SystemCapability

Set the RemoteControlCapability

Kind: Instance method of SystemCapability
Returns: SystemCapability - The class instance for method chaining.

capability RemoteControlCapabilities Contains information about the module's remote control feature - The desired RemoteControlCapability.

systemCapability.setSeatLocationCapability(capability) ⇒ SystemCapability

Set the SeatLocationCapability

Kind: Instance method of SystemCapability
Returns: SystemCapability - The class instance for method chaining.

capability SeatLocationCapability Contains information about the locations of each seat - The desired SeatLocationCapability.

systemCapability.setSystemCapabilityType(type) ⇒ SystemCapability

Set the SystemCapabilityType

Kind: Instance method of SystemCapability
Returns: SystemCapability - The class instance for method chaining.

type SystemCapabilityType Used as a descriptor of what data to expect in this struct. The corresponding param to this enum should be included and the only other param included. - The desired SystemCapabilityType.

systemCapability.setVideoStreamingCapability(capability) ⇒ SystemCapability

Set the VideoStreamingCapability

Kind: Instance method of SystemCapability
Returns: SystemCapability - The class instance for method chaining.

capability VideoStreamingCapability Contains information about the module's video streaming capabilities - The desired VideoStreamingCapability.
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