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JavaScript Suite Documentation

RegisterAppInterface Class Reference


Instance Methods


new RegisterAppInterface(parameters)

Initializes an instance of RegisterAppInterface.

Instance Methods

registerAppInterface.getAppHMIType() ⇒ Array.<AppHMIType>

Get the AppHMIType

Kind: Instance method of RegisterAppInterface
Returns: Array.<AppHMIType> - the KEY_APP_HMI_TYPE value

registerAppInterface.getAppId() ⇒ String

Get the shortened app ID.

Kind: Instance method of RegisterAppInterface
Returns: String - The shortened app ID.

registerAppInterface.getAppInfo() ⇒ AppInfo

Get the AppInfo

Kind: Instance method of RegisterAppInterface
Returns: AppInfo - the KEY_APP_INFO value

registerAppInterface.getAppName() ⇒ String

Get the AppName

Kind: Instance method of RegisterAppInterface
Returns: String - the KEY_APP_NAME value

registerAppInterface.getDayColorScheme() ⇒ TemplateColorScheme

Get the DayColorScheme

Kind: Instance method of RegisterAppInterface
Returns: TemplateColorScheme - the KEY_DAY_COLOR_SCHEME value

registerAppInterface.getDeviceInfo() ⇒ DeviceInfo

Get the DeviceInfo

Kind: Instance method of RegisterAppInterface
Returns: DeviceInfo - the KEY_DEVICE_INFO value

registerAppInterface.getFullAppID() ⇒ String

Get the FullAppID

Kind: Instance method of RegisterAppInterface
Returns: String - the KEY_FULL_APP_ID value

registerAppInterface.getFullAppId() ⇒ String

Get the full App ID.

Kind: Instance method of RegisterAppInterface
Returns: String - The full app ID.

registerAppInterface.getHashID() ⇒ String

Get the HashID

Kind: Instance method of RegisterAppInterface
Returns: String - the KEY_HASH_ID value

registerAppInterface.getHmiDisplayLanguageDesired() ⇒ Language

Get the HmiDisplayLanguageDesired

Kind: Instance method of RegisterAppInterface
Returns: Language - the KEY_HMI_DISPLAY_LANGUAGE_DESIRED value

registerAppInterface.getIsMediaApplication() ⇒ Boolean

Get the IsMediaApplication

Kind: Instance method of RegisterAppInterface
Returns: Boolean - the KEY_IS_MEDIA_APPLICATION value

registerAppInterface.getLanguageDesired() ⇒ Language

Get the LanguageDesired

Kind: Instance method of RegisterAppInterface
Returns: Language - the KEY_LANGUAGE_DESIRED value

registerAppInterface.getNgnMediaScreenAppName() ⇒ String

Get the NgnMediaScreenAppName

Kind: Instance method of RegisterAppInterface
Returns: String - the KEY_NGN_MEDIA_SCREEN_APP_NAME value

registerAppInterface.getNightColorScheme() ⇒ TemplateColorScheme

Get the NightColorScheme

Kind: Instance method of RegisterAppInterface
Returns: TemplateColorScheme - the KEY_NIGHT_COLOR_SCHEME value

registerAppInterface.getSdlMsgVersion() ⇒ SdlMsgVersion

Get the SdlMsgVersion

Kind: Instance method of RegisterAppInterface
Returns: SdlMsgVersion - the KEY_SDL_MSG_VERSION value

registerAppInterface.getTtsName() ⇒ Array.<TTSChunk>

Get the TtsName

Kind: Instance method of RegisterAppInterface
Returns: Array.<TTSChunk> - the KEY_TTS_NAME value

registerAppInterface.getVrSynonyms() ⇒ Array.<String>

Get the VrSynonyms

Kind: Instance method of RegisterAppInterface
Returns: Array.<String> - the KEY_VR_SYNONYMS value

registerAppInterface.setAppHMIType(type) ⇒ RegisterAppInterface

Set the AppHMIType

Kind: Instance method of RegisterAppInterface
Returns: RegisterAppInterface - The class instance for method chaining.

type Array.<AppHMIType> See AppHMIType List of all applicable app HMI types stating which HMI classifications to be given to the app. - The desired AppHMIType. {'array_min_size': 1, 'array_max_size': 100}

registerAppInterface.setAppInfo(info) ⇒ RegisterAppInterface

Set the AppInfo

Kind: Instance method of RegisterAppInterface
Returns: RegisterAppInterface - The class instance for method chaining.

info AppInfo See AppInfo. - The desired AppInfo.

registerAppInterface.setAppName(name) ⇒ RegisterAppInterface

Set the AppName

Kind: Instance method of RegisterAppInterface
Returns: RegisterAppInterface - The class instance for method chaining.

name String The mobile application name, e.g. "My SDL App". Needs to be unique over all applications from the same device. May not be empty. May not start with a new line character. May not interfere with any name or synonym of previously registered applications from the same device and any predefined blacklist of words (global commands) Additional applications with the same name from the same device will be rejected. Only characters from char set [@TODO: Create char set (character/hex value) for each ACM and refer to] are supported. - The desired AppName. {'string_min_length': 1, 'string_max_length': 100}

registerAppInterface.setDayColorScheme(scheme) ⇒ RegisterAppInterface

Set the DayColorScheme

Kind: Instance method of RegisterAppInterface
Returns: RegisterAppInterface - The class instance for method chaining.

scheme TemplateColorScheme A color scheme for all display layout templates. - The desired DayColorScheme.

registerAppInterface.setDeviceInfo(info) ⇒ RegisterAppInterface

Set the DeviceInfo

Kind: Instance method of RegisterAppInterface
Returns: RegisterAppInterface - The class instance for method chaining.

info DeviceInfo See DeviceInfo. - The desired DeviceInfo.

registerAppInterface.setFullAppID(id) ⇒ RegisterAppInterface

Set the FullAppID

Kind: Instance method of RegisterAppInterface
Returns: RegisterAppInterface - The class instance for method chaining.

id String ID used to validate app with policy table entries - The desired FullAppID. {'string_min_length': 1, 'string_max_length': 100}

registerAppInterface.setFullAppId(fullAppId) ⇒ RegisterAppInterface

Set the full app ID. Also sets the shortened app ID automatically.

Kind: Instance method of RegisterAppInterface
Returns: RegisterAppInterface - The class instance to support method chaining.

fullAppId String A full App ID.

registerAppInterface.setHashID(id) ⇒ RegisterAppInterface

Set the HashID

Kind: Instance method of RegisterAppInterface
Returns: RegisterAppInterface - The class instance for method chaining.

id String ID used to uniquely identify current state of all app data that can persist through connection cycles (e.g. ignition cycles). This registered data (commands, submenus, choice sets, etc.) can be reestablished without needing to explicitly reregister each piece. If omitted, then the previous state of an app's commands, etc. will not be restored. When sending hashID, all RegisterAppInterface parameters should still be provided (e.g. ttsName, etc.). - The desired HashID. {'string_min_length': 1, 'string_max_length': 100}

registerAppInterface.setHmiDisplayLanguageDesired(desired) ⇒ RegisterAppInterface

Set the HmiDisplayLanguageDesired

Kind: Instance method of RegisterAppInterface
Returns: RegisterAppInterface - The class instance for method chaining.

desired Language See Language Current app's expected display language If there is a mismatch with the module, the app will be able to change this registration with changeRegistration prior to app being brought into focus. - The desired HmiDisplayLanguageDesired.

registerAppInterface.setIsMediaApplication(application) ⇒ RegisterAppInterface

Set the IsMediaApplication

Kind: Instance method of RegisterAppInterface
Returns: RegisterAppInterface - The class instance for method chaining.

application Boolean Indicates if the application is a media or a non-media application. Only media applications will be able to stream audio to the module that is audible outside of the BT media source. - The desired IsMediaApplication.

registerAppInterface.setLanguageDesired(desired) ⇒ RegisterAppInterface

Set the LanguageDesired

Kind: Instance method of RegisterAppInterface
Returns: RegisterAppInterface - The class instance for method chaining.

desired Language See Language Current app's expected VR+TTS language If there is a mismatch with the module, the app will be able to change this registration with changeRegistration prior to app being brought into focus. - The desired LanguageDesired.

registerAppInterface.setNgnMediaScreenAppName(name) ⇒ RegisterAppInterface

Set the NgnMediaScreenAppName

Kind: Instance method of RegisterAppInterface
Returns: RegisterAppInterface - The class instance for method chaining.

name String Provides an abbreviated version of the app name (if needed), that will be displayed on the NGN media screen. If not provided, the appName is used instead (and will be truncated if too long) Only characters from char set [@TODO: Create char set (character/hex value) for each ACM and refer to] are supported. - The desired NgnMediaScreenAppName. {'string_min_length': 1, 'string_max_length': 100}

registerAppInterface.setNightColorScheme(scheme) ⇒ RegisterAppInterface

Set the NightColorScheme

Kind: Instance method of RegisterAppInterface
Returns: RegisterAppInterface - The class instance for method chaining.

scheme TemplateColorScheme A color scheme for all display layout templates. - The desired NightColorScheme.

registerAppInterface.setSdlMsgVersion(version) ⇒ RegisterAppInterface

Set the SdlMsgVersion

Kind: Instance method of RegisterAppInterface
Returns: RegisterAppInterface - The class instance for method chaining.

version SdlMsgVersion See SyncMsgVersion - The desired SdlMsgVersion.

registerAppInterface.setTtsName(name) ⇒ RegisterAppInterface

Set the TtsName

Kind: Instance method of RegisterAppInterface
Returns: RegisterAppInterface - The class instance for method chaining.

name Array.<TTSChunk> TTS string for VR recognition of the mobile application name, e.g. "My S D L App". Meant to overcome any failing on speech engine in properly pronouncing / understanding app name. Needs to be unique over all applications from the same device. May not be empty. May not start with a new line character. Only characters from char set [@TODO: Create char set (character/hex value) for each ACM and refer to] are supported. - The desired TtsName. {'array_min_size': 1, 'array_max_size': 100}

registerAppInterface.setVrSynonyms(synonyms) ⇒ RegisterAppInterface

Set the VrSynonyms

Kind: Instance method of RegisterAppInterface
Returns: RegisterAppInterface - The class instance for method chaining.

synonyms Array.<String> Defines an additional voice recognition command. May not interfere with any app name of previously registered applications from the same device and any predefined blacklist of words (global commands) Only characters from char set [@TODO: Create char set (character/hex value) for each ACM and refer to] are supported. - The desired VrSynonyms. {'array_min_size': 1, 'array_max_size': 100, 'string_min_length': 1, 'string_max_length': 40}
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