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JavaScript Suite Documentation

WeatherData Class Reference


Instance Methods


new WeatherData(parameters)

Initializes an instance of WeatherData.

Instance Methods

weatherData.getApparentTemperature() ⇒ Temperature

Get the ApparentTemperature

Kind: Instance method of WeatherData
Returns: Temperature - the KEY_APPARENT_TEMPERATURE value

weatherData.getApparentTemperatureHigh() ⇒ Temperature

Get the ApparentTemperatureHigh

Kind: Instance method of WeatherData
Returns: Temperature - the KEY_APPARENT_TEMPERATURE_HIGH value

weatherData.getApparentTemperatureLow() ⇒ Temperature

Get the ApparentTemperatureLow

Kind: Instance method of WeatherData
Returns: Temperature - the KEY_APPARENT_TEMPERATURE_LOW value

weatherData.getCloudCover() ⇒ Number

Get the CloudCover

Kind: Instance method of WeatherData
Returns: Number - the KEY_CLOUD_COVER value

weatherData.getCurrentTemperature() ⇒ Temperature

Get the CurrentTemperature

Kind: Instance method of WeatherData
Returns: Temperature - the KEY_CURRENT_TEMPERATURE value

weatherData.getHumidity() ⇒ Number

Get the Humidity

Kind: Instance method of WeatherData
Returns: Number - the KEY_HUMIDITY value

weatherData.getMoonPhase() ⇒ Number

Get the MoonPhase

Kind: Instance method of WeatherData
Returns: Number - the KEY_MOON_PHASE value

weatherData.getNearestStormBearing() ⇒ Number

Get the NearestStormBearing

Kind: Instance method of WeatherData
Returns: Number - the KEY_NEAREST_STORM_BEARING value

weatherData.getNearestStormDistance() ⇒ Number

Get the NearestStormDistance

Kind: Instance method of WeatherData
Returns: Number - the KEY_NEAREST_STORM_DISTANCE value

weatherData.getPrecipAccumulation() ⇒ Number

Get the PrecipAccumulation

Kind: Instance method of WeatherData
Returns: Number - the KEY_PRECIP_ACCUMULATION value

weatherData.getPrecipIntensity() ⇒ Number

Get the PrecipIntensity

Kind: Instance method of WeatherData
Returns: Number - the KEY_PRECIP_INTENSITY value

weatherData.getPrecipProbability() ⇒ Number

Get the PrecipProbability

Kind: Instance method of WeatherData
Returns: Number - the KEY_PRECIP_PROBABILITY value

weatherData.getPrecipType() ⇒ String

Get the PrecipType

Kind: Instance method of WeatherData
Returns: String - the KEY_PRECIP_TYPE value

weatherData.getTemperatureHigh() ⇒ Temperature

Get the TemperatureHigh

Kind: Instance method of WeatherData
Returns: Temperature - the KEY_TEMPERATURE_HIGH value

weatherData.getTemperatureLow() ⇒ Temperature

Get the TemperatureLow

Kind: Instance method of WeatherData
Returns: Temperature - the KEY_TEMPERATURE_LOW value

weatherData.getTime() ⇒ DateTime

Get the Time

Kind: Instance method of WeatherData
Returns: DateTime - the KEY_TIME value

weatherData.getVisibility() ⇒ Number

Get the Visibility

Kind: Instance method of WeatherData
Returns: Number - the KEY_VISIBILITY value

weatherData.getWeatherIcon() ⇒ Image

Get the WeatherIcon

Kind: Instance method of WeatherData
Returns: Image - the KEY_WEATHER_ICON value

weatherData.getWeatherSummary() ⇒ String

Get the WeatherSummary

Kind: Instance method of WeatherData
Returns: String - the KEY_WEATHER_SUMMARY value

weatherData.getWindBearing() ⇒ Number

Get the WindBearing

Kind: Instance method of WeatherData
Returns: Number - the KEY_WIND_BEARING value

weatherData.getWindGust() ⇒ Number

Get the WindGust

Kind: Instance method of WeatherData
Returns: Number - the KEY_WIND_GUST value

weatherData.getWindSpeed() ⇒ Number

Get the WindSpeed

Kind: Instance method of WeatherData
Returns: Number - the KEY_WIND_SPEED value

weatherData.setApparentTemperature(temperature) ⇒ WeatherData

Set the ApparentTemperature

Kind: Instance method of WeatherData
Returns: WeatherData - The class instance for method chaining.

temperature Temperature The desired ApparentTemperature.

weatherData.setApparentTemperatureHigh(high) ⇒ WeatherData

Set the ApparentTemperatureHigh

Kind: Instance method of WeatherData
Returns: WeatherData - The class instance for method chaining.

high Temperature The desired ApparentTemperatureHigh.

weatherData.setApparentTemperatureLow(low) ⇒ WeatherData

Set the ApparentTemperatureLow

Kind: Instance method of WeatherData
Returns: WeatherData - The class instance for method chaining.

low Temperature The desired ApparentTemperatureLow.

weatherData.setCloudCover(cover) ⇒ WeatherData

Set the CloudCover

Kind: Instance method of WeatherData
Returns: WeatherData - The class instance for method chaining.

cover Number 0 to 1, percentage cloud cover - The desired CloudCover. {'num_min_value': 0.0, 'num_max_value': 1.0}

weatherData.setCurrentTemperature(temperature) ⇒ WeatherData

Set the CurrentTemperature

Kind: Instance method of WeatherData
Returns: WeatherData - The class instance for method chaining.

temperature Temperature The central temperature depending on the context of the weather data. It could be the present temperature, the temperature of a future minute, the temperature of a future hour, or an average temperature of a future day, for example. - The desired CurrentTemperature.

weatherData.setHumidity(humidity) ⇒ WeatherData

Set the Humidity

Kind: Instance method of WeatherData
Returns: WeatherData - The class instance for method chaining.

humidity Number 0 to 1, percentage humidity - The desired Humidity. {'num_min_value': 0.0, 'num_max_value': 1.0}

weatherData.setMoonPhase(phase) ⇒ WeatherData

Set the MoonPhase

Kind: Instance method of WeatherData
Returns: WeatherData - The class instance for method chaining.

phase Number 0 to 1, percentage of the moon seen, e.g. 0 = no moon, 0.25 = quarter moon - The desired MoonPhase. {'num_min_value': 0.0, 'num_max_value': 1.0}

weatherData.setNearestStormBearing(bearing) ⇒ WeatherData

Set the NearestStormBearing

Kind: Instance method of WeatherData
Returns: WeatherData - The class instance for method chaining.

bearing Number In degrees, true north at 0 degrees - The desired NearestStormBearing.

weatherData.setNearestStormDistance(distance) ⇒ WeatherData

Set the NearestStormDistance

Kind: Instance method of WeatherData
Returns: WeatherData - The class instance for method chaining.

distance Number In km - The desired NearestStormDistance.

weatherData.setPrecipAccumulation(accumulation) ⇒ WeatherData

Set the PrecipAccumulation

Kind: Instance method of WeatherData
Returns: WeatherData - The class instance for method chaining.

accumulation Number cm - The desired PrecipAccumulation.

weatherData.setPrecipIntensity(intensity) ⇒ WeatherData

Set the PrecipIntensity

Kind: Instance method of WeatherData
Returns: WeatherData - The class instance for method chaining.

intensity Number cm of water per hour - The desired PrecipIntensity.

weatherData.setPrecipProbability(probability) ⇒ WeatherData

Set the PrecipProbability

Kind: Instance method of WeatherData
Returns: WeatherData - The class instance for method chaining.

probability Number 0 to 1, percentage chance - The desired PrecipProbability. {'num_min_value': 0.0, 'num_max_value': 1.0}

weatherData.setPrecipType(type) ⇒ WeatherData

Set the PrecipType

Kind: Instance method of WeatherData
Returns: WeatherData - The class instance for method chaining.

type String e.g. "rain", "snow", "sleet", "hail" - The desired PrecipType. {'string_min_length': 1}

weatherData.setTemperatureHigh(high) ⇒ WeatherData

Set the TemperatureHigh

Kind: Instance method of WeatherData
Returns: WeatherData - The class instance for method chaining.

high Temperature The desired TemperatureHigh.

weatherData.setTemperatureLow(low) ⇒ WeatherData

Set the TemperatureLow

Kind: Instance method of WeatherData
Returns: WeatherData - The class instance for method chaining.

low Temperature The desired TemperatureLow.

weatherData.setTime(time) ⇒ WeatherData

Set the Time

Kind: Instance method of WeatherData
Returns: WeatherData - The class instance for method chaining.

time DateTime The desired Time.

weatherData.setVisibility(visibility) ⇒ WeatherData

Set the Visibility

Kind: Instance method of WeatherData
Returns: WeatherData - The class instance for method chaining.

visibility Number In km - The desired Visibility.

weatherData.setWeatherIcon(icon) ⇒ WeatherData

Set the WeatherIcon

Kind: Instance method of WeatherData
Returns: WeatherData - The class instance for method chaining.

icon Image The desired WeatherIcon.

weatherData.setWeatherSummary(summary) ⇒ WeatherData

Set the WeatherSummary

Kind: Instance method of WeatherData
Returns: WeatherData - The class instance for method chaining.

summary String The desired WeatherSummary. {'string_min_length': 1}

weatherData.setWindBearing(bearing) ⇒ WeatherData

Set the WindBearing

Kind: Instance method of WeatherData
Returns: WeatherData - The class instance for method chaining.

bearing Number In degrees, true north at 0 degrees - The desired WindBearing.

weatherData.setWindGust(gust) ⇒ WeatherData

Set the WindGust

Kind: Instance method of WeatherData
Returns: WeatherData - The class instance for method chaining.

gust Number km/hr - The desired WindGust.

weatherData.setWindSpeed(speed) ⇒ WeatherData

Set the WindSpeed

Kind: Instance method of WeatherData
Returns: WeatherData - The class instance for method chaining.

speed Number km/hr - The desired WindSpeed.
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