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JavaScript Suite Documentation

LocationDetails Class Reference


Instance Methods


new LocationDetails(parameters)

Initializes an instance of LocationDetails.

Instance Methods

locationDetails.getAddressLines() ⇒ Array.<String>

Get the AddressLines

Kind: Instance method of LocationDetails
Returns: Array.<String> - the KEY_ADDRESS_LINES value

locationDetails.getCoordinate() ⇒ Coordinate

Get the Coordinate

Kind: Instance method of LocationDetails
Returns: Coordinate - the KEY_COORDINATE value

locationDetails.getLocationDescription() ⇒ String

Get the LocationDescription

Kind: Instance method of LocationDetails
Returns: String - the KEY_LOCATION_DESCRIPTION value

locationDetails.getLocationImage() ⇒ Image

Get the LocationImage

Kind: Instance method of LocationDetails
Returns: Image - the KEY_LOCATION_IMAGE value

locationDetails.getLocationName() ⇒ String

Get the LocationName

Kind: Instance method of LocationDetails
Returns: String - the KEY_LOCATION_NAME value

locationDetails.getPhoneNumber() ⇒ String

Get the PhoneNumber

Kind: Instance method of LocationDetails
Returns: String - the KEY_PHONE_NUMBER value

locationDetails.getSearchAddress() ⇒ OASISAddress

Get the SearchAddress

Kind: Instance method of LocationDetails
Returns: OASISAddress - the KEY_SEARCH_ADDRESS value

locationDetails.setAddressLines(lines) ⇒ LocationDetails

Set the AddressLines

Kind: Instance method of LocationDetails
Returns: LocationDetails - The class instance for method chaining.

lines Array.<String> Location address for display purposes only - The desired AddressLines. {'array_min_size': 0, 'array_max_size': 4, 'string_min_length': 1, 'string_max_length': 500}

locationDetails.setCoordinate(coordinate) ⇒ LocationDetails

Set the Coordinate

Kind: Instance method of LocationDetails
Returns: LocationDetails - The class instance for method chaining.

coordinate Coordinate Latitude/Longitude of the location. - The desired Coordinate.

locationDetails.setLocationDescription(description) ⇒ LocationDetails

Set the LocationDescription

Kind: Instance method of LocationDetails
Returns: LocationDetails - The class instance for method chaining.

description String Description intended location / establishment (if applicable) - The desired LocationDescription. {'string_min_length': 1, 'string_max_length': 500}

locationDetails.setLocationImage(image) ⇒ LocationDetails

Set the LocationImage

Kind: Instance method of LocationDetails
Returns: LocationDetails - The class instance for method chaining.

image Image Image / icon of intended location. - The desired LocationImage.

locationDetails.setLocationName(name) ⇒ LocationDetails

Set the LocationName

Kind: Instance method of LocationDetails
Returns: LocationDetails - The class instance for method chaining.

name String Name of location. - The desired LocationName. {'string_min_length': 1, 'string_max_length': 500}

locationDetails.setPhoneNumber(number) ⇒ LocationDetails

Set the PhoneNumber

Kind: Instance method of LocationDetails
Returns: LocationDetails - The class instance for method chaining.

number String Phone number of location / establishment. - The desired PhoneNumber. {'string_min_length': 1, 'string_max_length': 500}

locationDetails.setSearchAddress(address) ⇒ LocationDetails

Set the SearchAddress

Kind: Instance method of LocationDetails
Returns: LocationDetails - The class instance for method chaining.

address OASISAddress Address to be used by navigation engines for search - The desired SearchAddress.
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