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JavaScript Suite Documentation

CloudAppProperties Class Reference


Instance Methods


new CloudAppProperties(parameters)

Initializes an instance of CloudAppProperties.

Instance Methods

cloudAppProperties.getAppID() ⇒ String

Get the AppID

Kind: Instance method of CloudAppProperties
Returns: String - the KEY_APP_ID value

cloudAppProperties.getAuthToken() ⇒ String

Get the AuthToken

Kind: Instance method of CloudAppProperties
Returns: String - the KEY_AUTH_TOKEN value

cloudAppProperties.getCloudTransportType() ⇒ String

Get the CloudTransportType

Kind: Instance method of CloudAppProperties
Returns: String - the KEY_CLOUD_TRANSPORT_TYPE value

cloudAppProperties.getEnabled() ⇒ Boolean

Get the Enabled

Kind: Instance method of CloudAppProperties
Returns: Boolean - the KEY_ENABLED value

cloudAppProperties.getEndpoint() ⇒ String

Get the Endpoint

Kind: Instance method of CloudAppProperties
Returns: String - the KEY_ENDPOINT value

cloudAppProperties.getHybridAppPreference() ⇒ HybridAppPreference

Get the HybridAppPreference

Kind: Instance method of CloudAppProperties
Returns: HybridAppPreference - the KEY_HYBRID_APP_PREFERENCE value

cloudAppProperties.getNicknames() ⇒ Array.<String>

Get the Nicknames

Kind: Instance method of CloudAppProperties
Returns: Array.<String> - the KEY_NICKNAMES value

cloudAppProperties.setAppID(id) ⇒ CloudAppProperties

Set the AppID

Kind: Instance method of CloudAppProperties
Returns: CloudAppProperties - The class instance for method chaining.

id String The desired AppID. {'string_min_length': 1, 'string_max_length': 100}

cloudAppProperties.setAuthToken(token) ⇒ CloudAppProperties

Set the AuthToken

Kind: Instance method of CloudAppProperties
Returns: CloudAppProperties - The class instance for method chaining.

token String Used to authenticate websocket connection on app activation - The desired AuthToken. {'string_min_length': 1, 'string_max_length': 65535}

cloudAppProperties.setCloudTransportType(type) ⇒ CloudAppProperties

Set the CloudTransportType

Kind: Instance method of CloudAppProperties
Returns: CloudAppProperties - The class instance for method chaining.

type String Specifies the connection type Core should use - The desired CloudTransportType. {'string_min_length': 1, 'string_max_length': 100}

cloudAppProperties.setEnabled(enabled) ⇒ CloudAppProperties

Set the Enabled

Kind: Instance method of CloudAppProperties
Returns: CloudAppProperties - The class instance for method chaining.

enabled Boolean If true, cloud app will be included in HMI RPC UpdateAppList - The desired Enabled.

cloudAppProperties.setEndpoint(endpoint) ⇒ CloudAppProperties

Set the Endpoint

Kind: Instance method of CloudAppProperties
Returns: CloudAppProperties - The class instance for method chaining.

endpoint String Specifies the endpoint which Core will attempt to connect to when this app is selected - The desired Endpoint. {'string_min_length': 1, 'string_max_length': 65535}

cloudAppProperties.setHybridAppPreference(preference) ⇒ CloudAppProperties

Set the HybridAppPreference

Kind: Instance method of CloudAppProperties
Returns: CloudAppProperties - The class instance for method chaining.

preference HybridAppPreference Specifies the user preference to use the cloud app version or mobile app version when both are available - The desired HybridAppPreference.

cloudAppProperties.setNicknames(nicknames) ⇒ CloudAppProperties

Set the Nicknames

Kind: Instance method of CloudAppProperties
Returns: CloudAppProperties - The class instance for method chaining.

nicknames Array.<String> An array of app names a cloud app is allowed to register with. If included in a SetCloudAppProperties request, this value will overwrite the existing "nicknames" field in the app policies section of the policy table. - The desired Nicknames. {'array_min_size': 0, 'array_max_size': 100, 'string_min_length': 0, 'string_max_length': 100}
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