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JavaScript Suite Documentation

AppServiceManifest Class Reference


Instance Methods


new AppServiceManifest(parameters)

Initializes an instance of AppServiceManifest.

Instance Methods

appServiceManifest.getAllowAppConsumers() ⇒ Boolean

Get the AllowAppConsumers

Kind: Instance method of AppServiceManifest
Returns: Boolean - the KEY_ALLOW_APP_CONSUMERS value

appServiceManifest.getHandledRPCs() ⇒ Array.<Number>

Get the HandledRPCs

Kind: Instance method of AppServiceManifest
Returns: Array.<Number> - the KEY_HANDLED_RPCS value

appServiceManifest.getMediaServiceManifest() ⇒ MediaServiceManifest

Get the MediaServiceManifest

Kind: Instance method of AppServiceManifest
Returns: MediaServiceManifest - the KEY_MEDIA_SERVICE_MANIFEST value

appServiceManifest.getNavigationServiceManifest() ⇒ NavigationServiceManifest

Get the NavigationServiceManifest

Kind: Instance method of AppServiceManifest
Returns: NavigationServiceManifest - the KEY_NAVIGATION_SERVICE_MANIFEST value

appServiceManifest.getRpcSpecVersion() ⇒ SdlMsgVersion

Get the RpcSpecVersion

Kind: Instance method of AppServiceManifest
Returns: SdlMsgVersion - the KEY_RPC_SPEC_VERSION value

appServiceManifest.getServiceIcon() ⇒ Image

Get the ServiceIcon

Kind: Instance method of AppServiceManifest
Returns: Image - the KEY_SERVICE_ICON value

appServiceManifest.getServiceName() ⇒ String

Get the ServiceName

Kind: Instance method of AppServiceManifest
Returns: String - the KEY_SERVICE_NAME value

appServiceManifest.getServiceType() ⇒ String

Get the ServiceType

Kind: Instance method of AppServiceManifest
Returns: String - the KEY_SERVICE_TYPE value

appServiceManifest.getWeatherServiceManifest() ⇒ WeatherServiceManifest

Get the WeatherServiceManifest

Kind: Instance method of AppServiceManifest
Returns: WeatherServiceManifest - the KEY_WEATHER_SERVICE_MANIFEST value

appServiceManifest.setAllowAppConsumers(consumers) ⇒ AppServiceManifest

Set the AllowAppConsumers

Kind: Instance method of AppServiceManifest
Returns: AppServiceManifest - The class instance for method chaining.

consumers Boolean If true, app service consumers beyond the IVI system will be able to access this service. If false, only the IVI system will be able consume the service. If not provided, it is assumed to be false. - The desired AllowAppConsumers. {'default_value': False}

appServiceManifest.setHandledRPCs(cs) ⇒ AppServiceManifest

Set the HandledRPCs

Kind: Instance method of AppServiceManifest
Returns: AppServiceManifest - The class instance for method chaining.

cs Array.<Number> This field contains the Function IDs for the RPCs that this service intends to handle correctly. This means the service will provide meaningful responses. - The desired HandledRPCs.

appServiceManifest.setMediaServiceManifest(manifest) ⇒ AppServiceManifest

Set the MediaServiceManifest

Kind: Instance method of AppServiceManifest
Returns: AppServiceManifest - The class instance for method chaining.

manifest MediaServiceManifest The desired MediaServiceManifest.

appServiceManifest.setNavigationServiceManifest(manifest) ⇒ AppServiceManifest

Set the NavigationServiceManifest

Kind: Instance method of AppServiceManifest
Returns: AppServiceManifest - The class instance for method chaining.

manifest NavigationServiceManifest The desired NavigationServiceManifest.

appServiceManifest.setRpcSpecVersion(version) ⇒ AppServiceManifest

Set the RpcSpecVersion

Kind: Instance method of AppServiceManifest
Returns: AppServiceManifest - The class instance for method chaining.

version SdlMsgVersion This is the max RPC Spec version the app service understands. This is important during the RPC passthrough functionality. If not included, it is assumed the max version of the module is acceptable. - The desired RpcSpecVersion.

appServiceManifest.setServiceIcon(icon) ⇒ AppServiceManifest

Set the ServiceIcon

Kind: Instance method of AppServiceManifest
Returns: AppServiceManifest - The class instance for method chaining.

icon Image The icon to be associated with this service. Most likely the same as the appIcon. - The desired ServiceIcon.

appServiceManifest.setServiceName(name) ⇒ AppServiceManifest

Set the ServiceName

Kind: Instance method of AppServiceManifest
Returns: AppServiceManifest - The class instance for method chaining.

name String Unique name of this service - The desired ServiceName. {'string_min_length': 1}

appServiceManifest.setServiceType(type) ⇒ AppServiceManifest

Set the ServiceType

Kind: Instance method of AppServiceManifest
Returns: AppServiceManifest - The class instance for method chaining.

type String The type of service that is to be offered by this app. See AppServiceType for known enum equivalent types. Parameter is a string to allow for new service types to be used by apps on older versions of SDL Core. - The desired ServiceType. {'string_min_length': 1}

appServiceManifest.setWeatherServiceManifest(manifest) ⇒ AppServiceManifest

Set the WeatherServiceManifest

Kind: Instance method of AppServiceManifest
Returns: AppServiceManifest - The class instance for method chaining.

manifest WeatherServiceManifest The desired WeatherServiceManifest.
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