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JavaScript Suite Documentation

PerformInteraction Class Reference


Instance Methods


new PerformInteraction(parameters)

Initializes an instance of PerformInteraction.

Instance Methods

performInteraction.getCancelID() ⇒ Number

Get the CancelID

Kind: Instance method of PerformInteraction
Returns: Number - the KEY_CANCEL_ID value

performInteraction.getHelpPrompt() ⇒ Array.<TTSChunk>

Get the HelpPrompt

Kind: Instance method of PerformInteraction
Returns: Array.<TTSChunk> - the KEY_HELP_PROMPT value

performInteraction.getInitialPrompt() ⇒ Array.<TTSChunk>

Get the InitialPrompt

Kind: Instance method of PerformInteraction
Returns: Array.<TTSChunk> - the KEY_INITIAL_PROMPT value

performInteraction.getInitialText() ⇒ String

Get the InitialText

Kind: Instance method of PerformInteraction
Returns: String - the KEY_INITIAL_TEXT value

performInteraction.getInteractionChoiceSetIDList() ⇒ Array.<Number>

Get the InteractionChoiceSetIDList

Kind: Instance method of PerformInteraction
Returns: Array.<Number> - the KEY_INTERACTION_CHOICE_SET_IDLIST value

performInteraction.getInteractionLayout() ⇒ LayoutMode

Get the InteractionLayout

Kind: Instance method of PerformInteraction
Returns: LayoutMode - the KEY_INTERACTION_LAYOUT value

performInteraction.getInteractionMode() ⇒ InteractionMode

Get the InteractionMode

Kind: Instance method of PerformInteraction
Returns: InteractionMode - the KEY_INTERACTION_MODE value

performInteraction.getTimeout() ⇒ Number

Get the Timeout

Kind: Instance method of PerformInteraction
Returns: Number - the KEY_TIMEOUT value

performInteraction.getTimeoutPrompt() ⇒ Array.<TTSChunk>

Get the TimeoutPrompt

Kind: Instance method of PerformInteraction
Returns: Array.<TTSChunk> - the KEY_TIMEOUT_PROMPT value

performInteraction.getVrHelp() ⇒ Array.<VrHelpItem>

Get the VrHelp

Kind: Instance method of PerformInteraction
Returns: Array.<VrHelpItem> - the KEY_VR_HELP value

performInteraction.setCancelID(id) ⇒ PerformInteraction

Set the CancelID

Kind: Instance method of PerformInteraction
Returns: PerformInteraction - The class instance for method chaining.

id Number An ID for this specific PerformInteraction to allow cancellation through the `CancelInteraction` RPC. - The desired CancelID.

performInteraction.setHelpPrompt(prompt) ⇒ PerformInteraction

Set the HelpPrompt

Kind: Instance method of PerformInteraction
Returns: PerformInteraction - The class instance for method chaining.

prompt Array.<TTSChunk> Help text. This is the spoken string when a user speaks "help" when the interaction is occurring. An array of text chunks of type TTSChunk. See TTSChunk. The array must have at least one item. - The desired HelpPrompt. {'array_min_size': 1, 'array_max_size': 100}

performInteraction.setInitialPrompt(prompt) ⇒ PerformInteraction

Set the InitialPrompt

Kind: Instance method of PerformInteraction
Returns: PerformInteraction - The class instance for method chaining.

prompt Array.<TTSChunk> This is the initial prompt spoken to the user at the start of an interaction. An array of text chunks of type TTSChunk. See TTSChunk. The array must have at least one item. - The desired InitialPrompt. {'array_min_size': 1, 'array_max_size': 100}

performInteraction.setInitialText(text) ⇒ PerformInteraction

Set the InitialText

Kind: Instance method of PerformInteraction
Returns: PerformInteraction - The class instance for method chaining.

text String Text to be displayed first. - The desired InitialText. {'string_min_length': 1, 'string_max_length': 500}

performInteraction.setInteractionChoiceSetIDList(list) ⇒ PerformInteraction

Set the InteractionChoiceSetIDList

Kind: Instance method of PerformInteraction
Returns: PerformInteraction - The class instance for method chaining.

list Array.<Number> List of interaction choice set IDs to use with an interaction. - The desired InteractionChoiceSetIDList. {'array_min_size': 0, 'array_max_size': 100, 'num_min_value': 0, 'num_max_value': 2000000000}

performInteraction.setInteractionLayout(layout) ⇒ PerformInteraction

Set the InteractionLayout

Kind: Instance method of PerformInteraction
Returns: PerformInteraction - The class instance for method chaining.

layout LayoutMode See LayoutMode. - The desired InteractionLayout.

performInteraction.setInteractionMode(mode) ⇒ PerformInteraction

Set the InteractionMode

Kind: Instance method of PerformInteraction
Returns: PerformInteraction - The class instance for method chaining.

mode InteractionMode See InteractionMode. - The desired InteractionMode.

performInteraction.setTimeout(timeout) ⇒ PerformInteraction

Set the Timeout

Kind: Instance method of PerformInteraction
Returns: PerformInteraction - The class instance for method chaining.

timeout Number Timeout in milliseconds. If omitted a standard value of 10000 milliseconds is used. Applies only to the menu portion of the interaction. The VR timeout will be handled by the platform. - The desired Timeout. {'default_value': 10000, 'num_min_value': 5000, 'num_max_value': 100000}

performInteraction.setTimeoutPrompt(prompt) ⇒ PerformInteraction

Set the TimeoutPrompt

Kind: Instance method of PerformInteraction
Returns: PerformInteraction - The class instance for method chaining.

prompt Array.<TTSChunk> Timeout text. This text is spoken when a VR interaction times out. An array of text chunks of type TTSChunk. See TTSChunk. The array must have at least one item. - The desired TimeoutPrompt. {'array_min_size': 1, 'array_max_size': 100}

performInteraction.setVrHelp(help) ⇒ PerformInteraction

Set the VrHelp

Kind: Instance method of PerformInteraction
Returns: PerformInteraction - The class instance for method chaining.

help Array.<VrHelpItem> Ability to send suggested VR Help Items to display on-screen during Perform Interaction. If omitted on supported displays, the default generated list of suggested choices shall be displayed. - The desired VrHelp. {'array_min_size': 1, 'array_max_size': 100}
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