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RPC Encryption

RPC Encryption


The RPC Message Protection feature is designed to encrypt specific RPC messages transmitted between a mobile application and SDL.

Determining When Encryption Is Needed

SDL Application

An SDL app is informed about the encryption requirement by an OnPermissionsChange notification sent by SDL Core. The OnPermissionsChange notification has a requireEncryption boolean parameter, which indicates the encryption requirement on the app level.

<function name="OnPermissionsChange" functionID="OnPermissionsChangeID" messagetype="notification" since="2.0">
    <description>Provides update to app of which policy-table-enabled functions are available</description>
    <param name="permissionItem" type="PermissionItem" minsize="0" maxsize="500" array="true" mandatory="true">
        <description>Change in permissions for a given set of RPCs</description>
    <param name="requireEncryption" type="Boolean" mandatory="false" since="6.0"/>

Each PermissionItem struct in the notification also contains a requireEncryption boolean parameter, which indicates the encryption requirement on the RPC level.

<struct name="PermissionItem" since="2.0">
    <param name="rpcName" type="String" maxlength="100" mandatory="true">
        <description>Name of the individual RPC in the policy table.</description>
    <param name="hmiPermissions" type="HMIPermissions"  mandatory="true"/>
    <param name="parameterPermissions" type="ParameterPermissions"  mandatory="true"/>
    <param name="requireEncryption" type="Boolean" mandatory="false" since="6.0"/>

Using the app level and RPC level encryption requirements, the app side will be able to determine whether the app needs encryption or not and which RPCs in particular will need encryption.

An RPC message will require encryption/protection if the app has requireEncryption=true in the OnPermissionsChange notification, and the RPC has requireEncryption=true in the PermissionItem.

SDL Core

SDL Core uses the encryption_required flags in the policy table to determine whether or not an RPC message requires encryption.

The encryption_required flag, in the functional_groupings section of the policy table, indicates whether or not all the RPCs within a functional group require encryption.

JSON Example

"RemoteControl": {
    "encryption_required" : true,
    "rpcs": {
        "GetInteriorVehicleData": {
            "hmi_levels": ["BACKGROUND", "FULL", "LIMITED"]
        "SetInteriorVehicleData": {
            "hmi_levels": ["BACKGROUND", "FULL", "LIMITED"]

Whereas the encryption_required flag, in the app_policies section, indicates whether the app requires encryption or not.

JSON Example

"app_policies": {
    "default": {
      "encryption_required": false,
      "keep_context": false,
      "steal_focus": false,
      "priority": "NONE",
      "default_hmi": "NONE",
      "groups": [
    "appid_12345": {
      "encryption_required": true,
      "keep_context": false,
      "steal_focus": true,
      "priority": "NONE",
      "default_hmi": "NONE",
      "groups": [
        "Base-4", "RemoteControl"

SDL Core informs an SDL application about the encryption requirement via an OnPermissionsChange notification.

  • Multiple functional groups can include the same RPC, each group having an encryption_required flag. If an app has access to multiple functional groups containing the same RPC and at least one of the groups requires encryption, then the RPC shall require encryption.

  • If encryption_required=true or encryption_required does not exist in the app's section in app_policies(i.e. on the app level), the flag in the applicable functional groups shall be checked.

  • If encryption_required=false in the app's section in app_policies(i.e. in the app level), SDL Core and the SDL Application shall not enable RPC encryption, regardless of the value of encryption_required in the applicable functional groups.

  • If encryption_required=true for a functional group, all the RPCs within that function group must be sent/received in an encryption enabled SDL service (The app has been authenticated via TLS handshake and RPC request and response messages are encrypted).

  • If encryption_required=false or encryption_required does not exist for a functional group, the RPC messages of that functional group shall not be encrypted and can be transmitted in both encryption enabled and disabled SDL services.


There are certain RPCs that can be sent in a non secure service despite the encryption_required flag being set to true

  • RegisterAppInterface
  • SystemRequest
  • OnPermissionsChange
  • OnSystemRequest
  • PutFile
  • OnHMIStatus

Handling Unencrypted Messages

SDL Core sends this result code to an SDL app when it receives an un-encrypted RPC request message that needs encryption.

<enum name="Result" internal_scope="base" since="1.0">
    <element name="ENCRYPTION_NEEDED" since="6.0">
        <description>SDL receives an un-encrypted RPC request that needs protection. </description>

Setting Up Encryption

SDL Application

For more information on how to setup encryption on the SDL application side, please take a look at the Encryption guide for your selected platform.

SDL Core

For more information on how to enable and utilize RPC Encryption within SDL Core, please take a look at the RPC Encryption Setup Guide section in the core guides.

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