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Starting an SDL Session

Starting an SDL Session

The Protocol Spec defines the lowest SDL layer, and one of the first items that is required to connect an app is start an SDL Session. This includes starting the base RPC and Hybrid services – which are types of data sent using SDL that can be turned on and off – using the Control service which is always available.

The first packet sent is from the app library to the SDL Core implementation. This is a StartService control frame message. This packet is very basic and contains only a small amount of information about the app that is connecting and is intended to start the protocol session that all other SDL layers are built on top of. See the protocol spec for more information.

The Core implementation should respond with a StartServiceACK that contains specific information as described in the protocol spec. After this moment, the SDL session has been defined and started for an app.

Step 2: Start the protocol session

When is Streaming Allowed

SDL Core maintains which apps can stream audio or video via the audioStreamingState and videoStreamingState parameters of OnHMIStatus. For an app to stream it must be in STREAMABLE videoStreamingState or AUDIBLE/ATTENUATED audioStreamingState. SDL Core knows whether the app can use video services or not depending on the AppHMIType. Currently, only NAVIGATION and PROJECTION apps can use video services. Assuming there is at most one app that can do video streaming at any time, the following table shows how SDL Core shall act regarding videoStreamingState in different cases:

Case Current video source SDL app2 comes to FULL Results OnHMIStatus videoStreamingState to app1 OnHMIStatus videoStreamingState to app2
1 NONE app2 does not use video no app is the video source NA NOT_STREAMABLE
2 NONE app2 uses video app2 is the video source NA STREAMABLE
3 app1 app2 does not use video app1 is still the video source No Change NOT_STREAMABLE
4 app1 app2 uses video app2 is the new video source NOT_STREAMABLE STREAMABLE
5 app1 CarPlay/Android Auto is the active screen no SDL app is the video source NOT_STREAMABLE NA

If an app does not stop video service after receiving onHMIStatus with videoStreamingState=NOT_STREAMABLE for some time, SDL Core shall send a stop service control frame to the app.

The bool parameter isMediaApplication in the register app interface request indicates if an application supports the AUDIBLE streaming state. There are two types of projection applications:

  • If AppHMIType=PROJECTION and isMediaApplication=false, we call it a non-media projection application.
  • If AppHMIType=PROJECTION and isMediaApplication=true, or AppHMIType=PROJECTION & MEDIA, we call it a media projection application.

We assume that media projection applications stream audio data via either Bluetooth A2DP (for android) or iAP (for iOS) as regular media applications do. We also assume projection applications do not use binary audio services. The following table shows how SDL Core acts regarding audioStreamingState in different cases.

Case Current audio source (appHMIType) SDL app2 activated or system event app2 appHMIType app2 is media Results OnHMIStatus audioStreamingState to app1 OnHMIStatus audioStreamingState to App2
1 none app2 does not use audio any false no app is the audio source NA NOT_AUDIBLE
2.1 none app2 uses audio NAVIGATION false app2 is the audio source NA AUDIBLE
2.2 none app2 uses audio any true app2 is the audio source NA AUDIBLE
3 app1 (any) app2 does not use audio any false app1 is the audio source No Change NOT_AUDIBLE
4.1 app1 (NAVIGATION or COMMUNICATION) app2 uses audio same as app1 false app2 is the audio source NOT_AUDIBLE AUDIBLE
4.2 app1 (NAVIGATION or COMMUNICATION) app2 uses audio others true app1 and app2 are the audio sources AUDIBLE AUDIBLE / ATTENTUATED or NOT_AUDIBLE *
4.3 app1 (Non-NAVIGATION, NON-COMMUNICATION) app2 uses audio NAVIGATION or COMMUNICATION false app1 and app2 are the audio sources AUDIBLE / ATTENTUATED or NOT_AUDIBLE * AUDIBLE
4.4 app1 (Non-NAVIGATION, NON-COMMUNICATION) app2 uses audio others true app2 is the audio source NOT_AUDIBLE AUDIBLE
5.1 app1 (any) PHONE_CALL / EMERGENCY_EVENT / AUDIO_SOURCE / EMBEDDED_NAVI NA NA app1 is not the audio source, system set the audio source NOT_AUDIBLE NA
5.2 app1 (any) TTS Start NA NA depending on mixing audio support, app1 can be audio source NOT_AUDIBLE / ATTENUATED NA
5.3 app1 (any) CarPlay/Android Auto is the active screen (DEACTIVATE_HMI) NA NA no SDL app is the video source NOT_AUDIBLE NA

*In the case of co-existence of a NAVIGATION app and a MEDIA or COMMUNICATION app, when the NAVIGATION app does not start audio steaming service, the MEDIA/COMMUNICATION app is AUDIBLE; When the NAVIGATION app starts audio streaming service, the MEDIA/COMMUNICATION app is either ATTENUATED if the system supports mixing or NOT_AUDIBLE if the system does not support mixing.


The transition of videoStreamingState and audioStreamingState is independent of the transition of hmiLevel. However, the transition of hmiLevel depends on both audioStreamingState and videoStreamingState. SDL Core moves a LIMITED level media/projection/navigation app which is NOT_AUDIBLE and NOT_STREAMABLE to BACKGROUND HMI level. There are at most two media/projection/navigation apps which can be placed in HMI level LIMITED. At HMI level LIMITED, an app can be either AUDIBLE (including ATTENTUATED) or STREAMABLE or both.

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